I WOKE UP IN A DARK EMPTY ROOM WITH ONE LIGHT. I tried to move but it was no use. My wrists and ankles were tied to a chair. I didn't have my wand with me. I struggled to get out. I stopped moving when I heard footsteps.

"No use trying to move," said someone from the shadows "You need my wand to remove them."

"The hell do you want!" I spat. I was scared and I started panicking. And when I panic, I can't really think well.

"Are those to be your last words," a person emerged from the darkness and I saw his face. Marcus Flint.

"What the hell do you want?" I said. The ropes weren't getting any tighter but they weren't getting loose either.

"I want Draco to suffer," he said "I thought I made that very clear."

"What the hell did he ever to do you?" I spat.

"He killed the love of my life!" he yelled. He came really close to my ear and whispered, "But you already knew that."

"You're a psychopath!" I hissed.

"Eh, I've been called worse," he shrugged "But the thing is, you brought this upon yourself."

"Enlighten me."

"I told you not to fall in love with Draco," he said "I told you to break his heart."

"You're M," I said "You- you almost killed Draco! Twice!"

"He had it coming," Marcus growled.

"He didn't kill her!" I screamed. I hoped that someone would hear me screaming, where ever we were.

"Yeah, I know that," he said "But he's the reason she's dead. If had just walked away from whatever the Death Eaters made him do, she would still be alive."

"He didn't have a choice," I said.

"Yes, he did," Marcus spat "Everyone has one." I stayed silent.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"Think of it as my confession. I'm not going to kill you now. I'm just going to hurt you really, really, really badly."

"How did you know her?" I asked. I just had to stall him so that he doesn't hurt me until someone notices that I'm missing. Hopefully that is soon.

"Rita was three years younger then me," Marcus said smiling "She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I got to know her a little and I found out that she was a muggle-born. I became friends with her despite of that and I fell in love with her, and then I saw her snogging Malfoy. Did you know that? Draco knew I loved her. He still kissed her anyway. We weren't dating or anything but it still hurt me so much and she died before I could truly tell her how I felt."

"It's been seven years," I said "You need to move on."

"I've tried but no, I can't," Marcus said "This kind of love... you just don't move on. It stays with you. It's the kind of love you and Malfoy have."

"Then why are you trying to kill him?" I spat. He was M, so he didn't mean to kill Astoria. He just wanted to kill Draco. As for Pansy and Theodore. Well, if Draco were really on the run he would stay at his friends. Marcus didn't think that Draco would come to my flat because honestly, who would have?

"I'm not trying to kill Draco," he said "I'm just taking away everyone he loves."

"What?" I asked. I was wrong.

"See at first I did want to kill him but then I saw how devastated you were when you thought he was going to die," Marcus explained "Once Draco dies the one's left mourning him are his loved ones. But, if I kill everyone he loves, well, then, he's the one left mourning and suffering."

Project Doxycide: A Dramione storyWhere stories live. Discover now