I TRIED MY HARDEST TO WAKE UP DRACO BUT HE WOULDN'T BUDGE. I finally resorted to violently shaking him.

"Merlin! Hermione?" he said groggily "It's so early, why did you wake me up? And how did you get in?"

"Pansy told me the password," I said "Now, hurry!"

"Why would Pansy tell you the password?" he asked finally getting out of bed.

"In her defense, she was very intoxicated and I have a good memory," I explained "Now, hurry up we are going to be late!"

"Hermione, the plane leaves in seven hours," Draco mumbled while brushing his teeth "I think we are going to be fine."

"It's an international flight so we need to reach there five hours early, and plus I need to run a few errands before we leave," I explained. We needed to get a few things which were important in the muggle world. "Besides, have you even packed?". Draco said nothing and waved his wand and two minutes later his trunk was packed. 

We headed to Hogsmeade and from there we apparated to Gringotts. I had to explain to Draco that muggles used pounds instead of galleons and I exchanged half of my vault into pounds. Draco felt obliged to do the same, even though I told him that he didn't need to. We apparated to the airport and got in line for bag check. Both of our trunks were small so we had to carry them with us.

"What are we waiting for?" Draco asked.

"They need to get our luggage checked before we get on the plane," I explained. Draco looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Why do they need to check our luggage?" he asked worried.

"It's really nothing. They just need to check if we brought anything dangerous."

"What items are considered dangerous?"

"Um... scissors, guns, drugs, long story short, you can't bring anything that can explode or fatally harm someone."

"Okay, what wizarding items are considered dangerous?" I stared at him with a shocked expression.

"What wizarding item did you bring?" I hissed.

"Just my wand," he said "But that can explode and kill someone."

"Your wand is fine," I said, breathing a sigh of relief. We both put our bags on the conveyer belt and waited to the other side to collect them. Mine came out, but Draco's didn't. We went to go talk to the security personnel.

"Hi, my friend's bag didn't come so what seems to be the problem?" I asked nervously.

"Is that your friends bag?" the security lady asked pointing at a black bag behind her. I nodded and the lady continued "We found three bottles of some dark purple liquid, so we have to get that tested in the lab."

I completely forgot to tell Draco that liquids aren't allowed. I immediately recognized the potion when another airport security worker pulled out the bottle. What was Draco Malfoy doing with three bottles of sleeping draught?

"It's my first time travelling," Draco explained "I didn't know that liquids weren't allowed."

"What is that stuff anyway?" she asked batting her eyes. Ugh, she was too old for him. Maybe not too old, she looked like she was twenty-something. Why did everyone have to find Draco charming?

"It's some juice that my mother makes, old family recipe," Draco said with his signature smirk. I could not believe that he was flirting with her right now. I saw his wand clutched in his hand in such a way that it was hidden but he could still cast a spell. Of course, he wasn't flirting, he was confunding her just enough so that she wouldn't test the sleeping draught in the lab. Sneaky ferret. "Now, can I please have my bag back."

Project Doxycide: A Dramione storyWhere stories live. Discover now