𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐈𝐈 - 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐞

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It took the whole day to clean up the new hideout. It was filled with dust and cobwebs. Pronto messed up a bit here and there but the group didn't really mind. Luna helped cleaned the most. She tried to cover up her feeling of guilt by doing so. Once they were done, they all headed to their own rooms. Eli and Luna were arguing about who should take the couch, since the was one room left, and Luna ended up taking the couch. She didn't mind, she said she likes sleeping on the couch. Only some weird alien would love sleeping on something as less forgiving to the back as the couch.

Luna walks around the base for a bit, unable to sleep. She heads over to the kitchenette and makes herself a cup of coffee.

"What are you doing up?" a voice asked from the darkness.

"Couldn't sleep, Pronto was sleep walking and woke me up." Luna replies before taking a sip of her coffee.

"The nightmares are normal. I had them too after I escaped the Goon's corruption"

"Wow, nightmares, luckily I didn't sleep" Luna mumbles to her self, taking another sip of the coffee.

"You do know coffee keeps you up right?" Eli says raising an eyebrow. Luna didn't notice it due to the shadows he decided to stand in.

"Yes... I know that"

"C'mon Luna it's 3:00 A.M. Get some rest"

"Sure thing," she says taking another sip of her coffee and dumps the rest in the sink. "What a waste of perfectly good coffee" she mumbles to herself.

Eli heads back upstairs once Luna gets back to the couch.

"good thing he didn't notice I was wearing my slugs" Luna thought to herself as she sighs.

She picks up her blaster and straps it to her waist. Her trusty Blastipede, Fuji, hops onto her shoulder. She manages to do a half smile at her slug and leaves the hideout climbing upstairs and out the hidden trapdoor.

She climbs out of the trapdoor carefully and watches it as it closes. Being quiet on her feet, she sneaks out of the Slingersmith workshop and head towards the mechas.

"Sorry about this Eli" she whispers and climbs onto Lucky, Eli's Wolf mecha beast and rides off.

Two hours later, she reached one of Blakk's Citadels. She parks the Mecha somewhere hidden and hops off. Quietly, she sneaks closer to the tall building.

She takes a slug tube from her belt which had Eli's Crystalyd slug, she had convinced the slug to follow her, and fires the slug.

The slug transforms and drills a tunnel underground and back up inside of the citadel. Luna looks around before hopping into the tunnel and comming out of it from the other side.

"Good job little guy" she praises the slug as she stretches out her hand for him to hop on.

The slug hops onto her hand and hops into the slug tube. With her breath shaking along with her whole body, she begins to walk further into the citadel.

Fear slowly starts to seep in Luna and her heart screams inside her chest. At this point, she could hear the heart beat in her chest. She froze as she saw two guards walking infront of her across the hallway. She takes out her blasters and creeps up behind them. Right before they could turn around, she knocks both of them out with her blasters.

She threw both of them in an empty conference room and used Webster to tie them together. However the female guard wasn't to fortunate, she was left wearing a singlet and shorts while Luna had put on her uniform for disguise. She exits the room, closing the door behind her and continues walking into the Citadel.

Tracing her fingers against the metal walls, she hums quietly to herself. She walks until she sees a room she was arguing with Blakk in when she was under the control of the Goon Doc. With a smirk on her face she opens the door, holding one of her blasters in her other hand.

There were four guards in the room, they didn't really react to her right away until one of them yelled, "She has Slugs!"

"Bout time yall noticed" Luna scoffed and fired Yin, who knocked out one guard. "Aw man, the other one dodged it" she complains like a child.

All three fires a Hop Jack which is a ghouled Hop Rock. Luna fires her Arachnet which makes one Hop Jack bounce of the web and hit one guard while Luna dodges the other two. Just before she could load her blaster, a Grimmstone flies in her direction. She raises her arms infront of her face, her right arm crossed in front of her left. The Grimmstone hits her making a sickening crack be heard and sending her flying to the wall. She lets out a small cry of pain before getting up again.

Fuji chirps in concern looking at his Slinger as she stumbles out of dizziness.

"You'll pay for that" Luna spat in a low threatening voice.

She uses her left hand to hold her blasters and hit it against her chest, loading her Rammstone, Yin, into the blaster. Immediately, she fires, knocking out the guard who shot the Grimmstone at her. The remaining guard trembles in fear as he loads an Attacknet. By the time he stretches out his blaster to aim, Yin hops back to Luna and hops in her blaster.

Luna chuckles as she points the blaster to the trembling guard. He fires his Attacknet and Luna fires her Rammstone. They both reach velocity and transforms. Yin punches the Attacknet causing it to go ofcorse and go back to protoform.

Luna walks towards the guard who had the keys and snatches it. She walks over to the cell which trapped a Shane against his will. [no pun intended... Kinda]

The man grabs Luna's hand and pulls it in the cell causing her to hit her forehead on the cell bars.

"oww... Is this the thanks I get?" Luna says snatching her hand back rubbing her forehead.

"Where's my son!?" the man asks furiously.

"aye... His fine. His currently sleeping back at the second hideout" she answers while unlocking the cell.

Cautiously the guy steps out of the cell. Luna just smiles at him despite him eyeing her.

"Now c'mon Will Shane, I'm sure Eli would love to see you again"

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