First stay

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Author's pov:

Zhan and the two lil boys had safely arrived at Yibo's house. It's too big to call it a house so it should be said, 'penthouse'. Anyways, Yibo showed them their rooms. Tho the two lil buns were really excited Zhan was, as time passed, feeling more like a nuisance and he was really uncomfortable with the idea of living with someone they barely knew and who was so kind to them, to him.

Yibo had appointed three maids, but they were yibo's favourite. These three were elder, and really motherly. Eversince Yibo lost his mother, it had always been them who cares for him and gave him the motherly love. So Yibo thought it better to have them appointed in his penthouse. This way they could also look after Zhan, who had yet to recover. Only his legs were a bit weak but with a month's rest would be better.

Right now, Yibo had just showed Zhan his room. The interior was a colour scheme of white and golden. The white bad sheets spread out on the king bed, with golden colour pillows while a white, soft carpet spread Infront of the bed. The curtains had golden designs on them.

In all it was a bit too fancy for the simple Zhan. He was actually fine with anything. Just not something too fancy as he had lived his whole life in a rundown apartment and dark rooms.

Yibo pushed Zhan's wheelchair towards the soft bed. When it was time to get Zhan to sit on the bed, he had to get up from his wheelchair, which he couldn't so Yibo helped.

" !! What are you doing?!"

Yibo's one arm moved under Zhan's tights while the other went around his back for support. It didn't take much of his strength as Zhan had never had a proper diet.

'he's so light. Better feed him.' was yibo's thought as he carried the much lighter weighed Zhan.

As for Zhan to keep himself safe from falling, he had no other choice but to hold onto Yibo. His arms went around the latter's neck as his hands clutched onto the clothes from behind. He pressed himself more in, against the latter's chest. Such actions made Yibo smile from the warmth that was being emitted from Zhan.

He calmly and gently placed Zhan on the soft covers of the bed. After making Zhan lay down with the cover pulled on top of him, Yibo warned him.

"Don't worry. I will take care of you. Don't place a foot on the ground, your legs can't handle your weight right now. Call me or call one of the maids. This is the phone, so just ring it for the maids as for me, show me your phone."

Zhan just looked at Yibo with wide, innocent eyes. But he still complied to it and gave the latter his broken phone. When Yibo took it he slightly grimaced.

"Leave it. I'll just buy you a new phone."

Zhan's eyes widened. This guy was so mysterious and weird. It was the phone Zhan bought with his earned money. He'd admit that it was broken but how could this guy just buy him a new phone?!

"What?! No! No no. I don't need a new one! I don't even know anyone for me to have a new phone to call!"

"You have me now."

This made Zhan's mouth to shut. That sentence, that claim. There was someone now who would actually look after him. Someone who would do anything for him. Before no one had said a word to him but this mysterious man just steps in Zhan's life and starts to make it so beautiful. Yibo had helped Zhan in such ways that it made Zhan really believe that someone might actually be here for him. Someone who would look after this broken Soul and give him new hope and purpose.

His eyes started to feel hot informing him of the tears that rolled down his cheeks like waterfall. His lips trembled as he hung his head low.

Yibo's eyes softened at the sight of the crying Zhan. He placed himself beside Zhan and with gentle touching, wiped away those tears. His heart unknowingly broke hearing those suppressed sobs coming out of Zhan's mouth. He means closer as his cupped Zhan's face.

"Don't cry. I'm really here for you. I don't go against my words and always care for my close ones."

Zhan's breathing started to get better as he gazed into those brown warm eyes and listened to the singing rasp and deep voice, that now was breathy.

"And I consider you as my close one, admit it or not. But I won't ever leave you and will always love you and care for you. Just don't tire yourself out like this. Rest and get better soon, hm?"

Zhan noises as he gazed down at his hands.

Yibo smiled warmly at the sight. He so badly wanted to kiss the latter but he couldn't. Not until a certain time. So to calm his desire he leaned in further more and his soft lips made contact with Zhan's forehead. The kiss lingered a bit longer than it should but neither protested.

Both closed their eyes to feel and savour the feeling. Those tingling sparks as those butterflies in their stomach.

Zhan's also felt the warmth and comfort through it.

Yibo then moved back and looked into Zhan's eyes, his expression gentle.

Zhan nodded and slipped inside the duvet, his back facing Yibo as he was currently blushing.

Yibo smiled and stepped outside the room, quietly closing the door and took a deep breath before saying.

"You'll always have me Zhan. Just wait and I'll have you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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