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TEXT TO: malfoy the blonde git
FROM: Lana

ayo, malfoy!

malfoy the blonde git
Ahhh finally come to decide to tell me who you are?


I've come to propose a deal :)

malfoy the blonde git
a deal for what

a deal to help you in finding out who
I am :p duh what else dumbo

malfoy the blonde git
why would I need your help dumbo

bc u do

malfoy the blonde git
bc why

you stubborn git. i thought you wanted
to find out who i am

malfoy the blonde git
ok fine what do you propose then

I'll give you some hints about me

malfoy the blonde git
what's the first hint

but first you have to promise not to bother
my friends or me when you find out

malfoy the blonde git
but the whole reason i want to find
out is to bother you and your friends

no deal then i guess but good luck

malfoy the blonde git
fine i guess it's a deal but don't ever
tell me what to do

pleasure doing business with you partner
and ogey

malfoy the blonde git
ok give me the first hint then

patience malfoy.

okAy well, I'm not in your house for sure.
And I'm also not in gryffindor

so that's ur hint until i feel like giving
u another one

malfoy the blonde git
so your a ravenclaw or hufflepuff


malfoy the blonde git
okay at least u aren't a gryffindor

why do you hate gryffindor so much

malfoy the blonde git
I just do

is it bc Harry didn't become friends
with you in 1st yr😢

malfoy the blonde git
no why do people always assume that

because of drarry✨

malfoy the blonde git
wait what did you say

malfoy the blonde git
drarry? ive heard people talking about it
especially them griffyndorks so tell
me what it is

oh u don't know what it is yet, sucks
for u then sorry

malfoy the blonde git
tell me what it is right now

well since u asked so nicely, it's u and harry ;)

malfoy the blonde git
me and potter? why me and him

yes u and pOttAh! and honestly..... idk

malfoy the blonde git

malfoy the blonde git
when is the next hint

when i feel like it but question

why do u want to find out who i am so
badly? you could've just not responded
to my messages

malfoy the blonde git
I just wanted to find out who was talking
about me okay. No more questions from you
until I know who you are

wow do you always have to be
so demanding

malfoy the blonde git
remember no questions

remember i didn't agree and if you want
more hints be nice please

malfoy the blonde git
i don't listen to you

okay then bye, have a great day and ttyn :)

malfoy the blonde git
what does ttyn mean

t-TALK t-TO y-YOU n-NEVER so peace😗✌️

malfoy the blonde git
you can't ignore me forever

malfoy the blonde git
fine then i'll just go and have a little talk with
your little friend gerad

don't you DARE malfoy.

malfoy the blonde git
I thought you were ignoring me

not anymore🙂

malfoy the blonde git
good girl

don't ever say that please🤮

malfoy the blonde git
give me more hints now then

nah you didn't ask nicely

malfoy the blonde git
fine whatever give me next hint whenever
I don't care

ok i'll give it to you tomorrow then,
have a good day malfoy
seen 4:57 pm

so sorry for the long wait. i apologize for taking forever to update but here it is:))

and if you have any ideas on what you want to happen on future chapters, please feel free to comment them please:))

have a great day my lovelies<333

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