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( Edited 4/16/2022)

Gabby POV

After secretly visiting my sister once again, it's so hard to just watch her and then leave again. I missed seeing her walked down the aisle and become a mother.

I don't regret my decision of staying with Peter but I just hate being away from both Star and Serena.

Time is so funny here, it can be Winter here but whenever I'll visit Earth it'll hotter than hot.

I was sitting in the hideout thinking about everything that has happened in the past years. Peter and I have had so many adventures and it seems like me and his bond has grown stronger than ever.

" Hey " I hear behind me.

" Hey Peter " I say to him.

" You okay " he asks me with concern.

" Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about my sister and Star " I say looking down.

" Are they okay " he asks sitting next to me.

" They're fine, they all have families now " I say in a low voice.

It was quiet for a moment until Peter broke the silence.

" That's good. Do either one of them remember anything " he asks me.

" Well Serena has been telling the story more because her daughters love it but I don't think she fully remembers anything. I haven't checked on Star recently so I'm not sure about that yet " I say.

" Hopefully they'll remember really soon. I hear a new enemy might soon emerge and come after us " Peter says standing up.

" Wait what " I say standing up as well.

" Yeah. Tootles and Nibs were watching and they over heard two pirates that used to serve with Hook talking about it yesterday " Peter says walking over to the room he and I share.

I follow behind him and sit on the bed as he pulls the bag out with all of our jewels we found a while ago on the bed.

" Do they know if it's Hook again " I ask.

" No but they might be stronger than Hook or trying to avenge Hook " Peter says going through the jewels.

Seems like we'll never get a break from a battle anytime soon.

" What part does Star and Serena play in this ? I mean they're both adults now and we both know adults in Neverland is never a good mix " I say.

" Yeah but maybe if we can find a way to get them to remember more than maybe we can be able to bring them here " Peter says proudly.

" But how ? If we go back to Earth and just tell them about it that's not going to do any good. What if we leave little clues in their house to help them " I say.

" That might work. Let's ask Tink if she can help us with that " Peter says running out the room.

We go to Tink's little room in the hideout, where she was napping before Peter decides to wake her up.

" Sorry Tink but Gabby and I need your help " he says.

She starts chattering her fairy language that I still don't understand at all. I've been trying but I'm still terrible at it.

" What did she say " I ask Peter.

" She says she'll do it but it might be dangerous " he says.

" Dangerous ? Why does she think that " I ask shocked.

Tink starts talking once again and Peter easily translate once again.

" She says since we don't know who the new enemy is they could be spying on us or they might can track Star and Serena's location " Peter says nervously.

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