The First Memory

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Star POV

These past years have been different to say the very least. From graduating high school, then college and accomplished my goals of starting my own company.

Right now life was good especially since now I'm a mother to a beautiful baby boy.

Me and Derek managed to stay together throughout both college and high school. We had our ups and downs like any couple but we still made it.

Serena and I are still close despite me moving down to Jersey a few months ago. My company needed a bigger space and I loved New York but I really think it was time for me to head out of there.

I was in our house which we moved in a few months before our son Chase was born. I was in the office attempting to catch up on work which has been hard to do with a newborn.

" Hey, did you get those files I asked you about " I asked my assistant Olivia, on the phone.

" Yes ma'am. I'm faxing them over to you right now " she replies.

" Good. We really can't miss this opportunity with this client " I say letting out a sigh of relief.

" I know, hopefully everything will go according to plan " she says.

" Hopefully " I say.

But the work flow is ruined when a cry comes from the baby monitor.

" Seriously Chase. Olivia I have to go, the little one is up " I say.

" Okay, call me later " she says.

" Will do " I say hanging up.

I head up the stairs to his room and see him kicking his little feet in the air with tears running down his little face.

" Okay, okay. Mama's here " I say picking him up.

His cries subside for a while as I begin rocking him and I feel his diaper and see that it's wet.

" Alright little angel head, calm down " I say laying him down and he begins crying once again.

" I'm almost done " I say going as fast as I can.

I finished and picked him up and going to the rocking chair in the corner and prepare to nurse him. Which successfully quiets him and down as I rock back and forth, while feeding him and humming.

As I'm feeding him I look over and see a picture of me and Gabby when we won our first championship from basketball. We both looked so happy and she had the biggest grin on her face.

Damn, I miss her so much.

" You okay " Derek says entering the room.

" I'm fine. Why do you ask " I say looking down at Chase who's still eating.

" Cause you look like you have something on your mind " he says crossing his arms.

" Well I don't " I say back.

" You're thinking about Gabby again " he asks me.

I sigh and simply shake my head no.

I haven't told him much about what happened because I doubt he would believe me and I don't really like talking about it.

" You're lying " he says.

He knew me too well.

" Derek please. I don't want to talk about it " I say.

Chase then stops eating and I hand him to Derek.

" Can you burp him ? I need a minute alone " I say getting up walking out the room.

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