Chapter 26: d

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-SuA's POV-
Next morning
I open my eyes and see my hubby sleeping besides me under the sheet. We're in the cruise bedroom and I don't really remember what happened last night. Should I wake her up or take shower first? Maybe I should take shower first.

I try to get off the bed slowly but someone pulling my arm. I look back and it's Siyeon, she's already awake.

"Where are you going baby?" She say while rubbing her eyes.

"Ah I was thinking about waking you up after I finish showering".

She pull me and I lay on top of her.

"Ahhh the shower not gonna run away, stay with me a little longer". She say while wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Next week you'll start working back right? I'll miss you everyday". She added.

"It's not like I'm not going to come back home!" I pinch her nose.

"Ah! Stop, it hurts. Yeah but a second feel like a year without you!" She rub her nose.

"Stop talking nonsense you pabo!" I grab her shoulder and shake her.
(Shake it love, shake it shake it shake it shake it love ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°) okay back to story)

Suddenly a loud door opening sounds can be heard, like someone kicking it. Siyeon and me astonished and get up from the bed.

"Yaaaaaa!!!! It's still early in the morning to had sex!" Yoohyeon run into our room with a rolled newspaper, try to hit us.

"WTF YOU STUPID MISFORTUNE GOD I'M GONNA TIED YOU UP AND THROW YOU INTO THE SEA!!!" Siyeon kick Yoohyeon's ass and hit her using the rolled newspaper continuously.

"Oh my, Yoohyeon I told you not to bother them!" JiU appear and start holding Yoohyeon while I try to calm Siyeon down.

"What happened here?" Handong come to us with Dami.

"Yoohyeon say she just want to ask Siyeon if she can borrow a pant and I say don't bother them but she say she not gonna make some noise or disturb them. But when I arrived here, Yoohyeon already on the floor with Siyeon hitting her with a newspaper!" JiU say while glaring at both Siyeon and me.

"WHAT?! It's not what she did! She just kick our room's door until it broken and say we're having sex meanwhile we just talking with each other!" I let Siyeon go and about to hit Yoohyeon. Now Siyeon is holding and calming me down.

"It's not my fault! I heard a bed shaking sounds!" Yoohyeon answered.

"You... Did you just..." We look at Yoohyeon.

"Excuse me". Dami talk to one of the staff. "May I get the newspapers and borrow that rope a moment?" The boy look really confused but give Dami 4 newspapers and a rope.

Dami give each of us the newspaper and we start to roll it while Yoohyeon still confused.

"GET HERRR!!!" Dami yell and we start to hit and tied Yoohyeon. We lift her up to the outdoor swimming pool.

"JiU, as Yoohyeon's girlfriend we need to ask you for permission to throw her into this pool". Siyeon ask while putting her right hand on her forehead like a soldier.

"HAH! That's not gonna happened! JiU love m-"

"I proceed sir!" JiU put her right hand on her forehead.

A real betrayal for Yoohyeon ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

All of them throw Yoohyeon into the pool. I'm not joining them since I feel bad for doing that and plus, she's tied up. Can she escape?

"Uhm... Singnie isn't this too much? She might die".

"Lol she can't die by drowning... She's a God remember?" Siyeon whisper to me. "I just want to watch her 'acting' like she's drowning or Handong will get suspicious". Siyeon add.

Okay that's funny. After a few seconds we saw Yoohyeon wiggling underwater and it's funny since she bad at acting. Handong started to get worried so JiU jump into the pool and save Yoohyeon. She playfully give Yoohyeon a CPR with pushing her stomach toughly and Yoohyeon's face looks like she about to die from the pressure.

Few hours later
We already take a shower and ready to leave the cruise. We had lunch at the underwater restaurant and do some shopping. SuA buy a beautiful four leaf clover lucky charms pendant for herself since she believes in this things eventhough her hubby is a god. We get back to our room in the afternoon.

I'm in the private pool inside our room. The pool are really amazing. It have a glass border between the pool and the sea. It feels like you're swimming in a non salty sea and the view are really beautiful.

"Baby snack are hereee". Siyeon run to me excitedly while holding the paperbag. She set up the foods and beer on the mini float and get into the pool.

"Woww the view are really nice". She say looking at me.

"Yeah I know. Ehh why are you looking at me? Look at the sunset!"

"Didn't I say my view are nice? You're my favorite view". She smile cutely. I wrap my arms around her neck and start kissing her gently. She reaspond and we broke from the kiss.

"SuA-ya I really love you and I never regret for doing that".

"I love you too Singnie and I don't want this to over. Loving you is the sweetest memories I ever had". I hug her tightly and snug my face into her neck.

*2 weeks later*
-still SuA's POV-

We already back from the honeymoon and start working. Siyeon's company are really famous now. Everywhere I go, people will bowed to me like I'm a queen. Maybe this is the power of Lee family?

I'm in the office, checking some cases files while pinching my head. Yeah I'm feeling unwell today but, I can do this! Suddenly a knock can be heard on the door. It just Handong inviting me to have lunch together. Lol I don't even pay attention to time. I get up from the chair and walk to Handong.

But everything started to spin and my head feel really heavy. While walking to the door I tripped and about to fall but luckily Handong catch me. The last thing I remember is someone calling my name and after that everything become blank.

-Handong's POV-
"SuA?! SuA!! Wake up! What happened?!" I look at the pale face. I carry her to my car and drive to the hospital.

I'm not allowed to enter the room while the doctor doing the check-up. Maybe I should call Siyeon? Ah dang it! I don't have her number and I don't know SuA's phone password. Maybe I should call Dami since I only have her phone number.

Damdam (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

🐼: Yeoboseyo?

🐱: DAMIIII!!!!

🐼: Wow wow Handong, calm down, no need to yell... I'm on the phone.

🐱: Dami you should come to x hospital now!!! SuA faint at the office and I don't have Siyeon's number!

🐼: WHATT?! I don't have her number too but don't worry I'm on my way with JiU and Yoohyeon.

🐱: Take care!

🐼: Eug!

Call ended...

Oh God I hope everything gonna be alright.


Sorry for the short chapter... Muehhehehehehehe (• ▽ •;)

My country just let out a notice that school will be open soon and I want to kill myself (•‿•)

Anyways stay safe guys <3

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