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TW: ALCOHOL & EMETOPHOBIA - seen as though you all love drunk iris so much ;)

iris' pov 

as promised, eliza and i set aside time for each other weekly, conveniently we often had the same day off as each other. usually, we were accompanied by elbar, and over the weeks, the three of us had grown really close. fred and george would sometimes join us if we met outside of work hours. one particular week, the five of us had smoked together, though illegal, we all claimed it was to boost work morale, despite our negligence to invite either robin or cordelia; we assumed they weren't the social smoking type.  

every wednesday the shop shut. weekends were much too busy to close, so our day off was midweek, when we knew we wouldn't be missing out on much custom. october rolled into november, the weeks passing quickly, seemingly having fallen into a routine. i tried to shake off the bored feeling as i realised my life almost felt mundane; i was content, my life merely lacked excitement. oftentimes i found my eyes skimming travel books, or eavesdropping on customer's conversations about how they'd visited some far-out tropical country. i couldn't help but be envious, i was only eighteen, i felt rather tied down, unable to escape the small life i had paved for myself. but, who was i to complain? i was stable, secure, surrounded with love. maybe, in a few years, when the shop was slightly more established, fred and i could allow ourselves the time to explore, and be young; i'd never really coped well with being in one place for too long, my heart longed for change, to explore all nature had to offer - this was limited within the dreary roads of diagon alley, heightened by the dark november weather. 

despite the chill of the winter evening, eliza and i had decided, on one particular wednesday evening, that the two of us were going to venture into the muggle world and get drunk beyond comprehension in the muggle bars and clubs. the inner city was buzzing with nightlife of muggle students who attended universities, and we thought it would be great fun to experience it. fred had been apprehensive, overtly disapproving with my decision to go out, pouting as i applied heavier makeup than usual onto my face. he lounged back on our bed, watching me intently as i got ready, a possessive glint in his eye. his eyebrows furrowed and he frequently sighed, ensuring to convey his annoyance. this irritation increased ten fold as i slipped on a short, lavender slip dress and some white trainers. 

"no fucking way are you going out like that," he huffed, his arms crossed and his face buried into a scowl. 

"and since when do you tell me what i can and can't wear?" 

"don't try and be all feminist with me now, mills, i'm telling you, do not go out in that,"

"who do you think you are? my dad?" i laughed, mainly out of sheer shock at his audacity

"one, you'll definitely get a cold, it's freezing out there and that dress has no coverage. two, that dress has no coverage," he repeated, exasperatedly, "it leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, men will be drooling after you, following you, groping you, and i won't be there, iris- i- i can't- i won't be able to just sit and think about who might be touching you,"

"you actually have turned into my dad," i sighed. he pulled himself out of bed, approaching me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing kisses against my neck. i couldn't help but sigh into his touch, my world melting around me as his lips skirted the skin of my shoulder. he spun me round, attaching our lips roughly, running his hands up and down my body, leaving a trail of chills as he went. i gasped for air as he deepened the kiss, and he took the opportunity to bury his face in my neck, nipping the skin of my collarbone, sucking and licking the sweet spot below my jaw, leaving me whimpering and shuddering. when he pulled back, there was a triumphant grin plastered on his face. 

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