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TW: mentions of cancer. if anyone is affected by the contents of this chapter, feel free to message me. as always, there will be links to resources at the end of the chapter.  

iris' pov


as november rolled into december i couldn't help the feeling of foreboding that lingered over me. i was too content. mine and fred's relationship was amazing, i constantly got to see elbar, eliza and george, the success of the shop was overwhelming; it was all too good to be true.

pessimism wasn't something deeply ingrained in me, intuition, however, was. simply, i couldn't shake this feeling of impending downfall. as hard as i tried to swallow the feeling, it tantalised me, looming over my every laugh, my every smile. every moment i spent in contentment, the fear of this unknown, imminent catastrophe tormented me; it was ruthless, unavoidable.

my intuition had been right.

december marked the beginning of personal adversity.

it started with a letter:


i'm home. come see me asap, please. it's urgent.

all my love,

dad x

upon receiving the letter, i ran down to the shop, that lingering feeling of foreboding coming down on me like a tsunami.

"freddie," i breathed, my voice thick with anxiety. immediately he recognised my wavering tone, his concerned eyes meeting mine as i sought his embrace.

"what's up, smidge?" he asked, pulling me into his chest and kissing my hair. i merely shook my head and pushed the letter into his hands, leaning against the counter and chewing my nails in apprehension.

"i'm sorry but can i please take the morning off and go and see him, i- i can't, it can't wait fred," i stammered, my breathing unsteady, "i have a terrible feeling,"

"of course, iris, do you need me to come with you? i can get george to man the fort for the morning,"

"no- no, it's okay,"

"it'll be okay, love, i promise. you'll be okay,"

"but what if he isn't, fred," i cried, my voice cracking, "i- i can't,"

"hey, hey," he hummed, enveloping me in his arms, running his hands through my hair, "breathe for me, okay? breathe. whatever it is you've got this, i promise. i'm here, i'm here-"

i tried to focus on the rhythm of his breathing and the thumping of his heart against his ribcage in attempt to steady my ragged breaths, clinging to the back of his shirt as i cried.

"look at me," he cooed, leaning me back and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "everything will be okay," he kissed me softly on the forehead, swiping his thumbs under my eyes, collecting the tears, "go to your dads, come and find me when you get back, yeah?" i nodded. "i love you,"

"i love you, fred," i hiccupped, burying my head in his chest once more before pulling back and apparating to my father's house.

"christ iris, you startled me," my father jumped as i landed with a pop in his living room, clutching the table to steady himself

"i got your letter, what's wrong? what's happened? are you okay-"

"sit down, let's have a cup of tea, shall we?" 

i lowered myself onto the sofa, wringing my hands together on my lap anxiously, waiting for the kettle to boil. after what felt like an agonisingly long time, my dad sat across from me, placing two teacups on the table and resting his hand on top of mine. 

Twin Flame // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now