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fred's pov

despite iris' insistence that her encounter with teddy was not something to worry about, the rage i felt as i sat beside her, fingers entwined, watching her as she laughed with george, was almost unbearable. i wanted nothing more than to leave the pub, to hunt him down and kill him for touching her. alas, the tight grip she had on my hand was telling enough; she needed me there with her, and she would always be my priority. 

so, i sat, enduring the fury that burned inside me, quietly observing, sitting on my vengeful thoughts. george carried the conversation, attempting to keep the mood light, his subtle glances towards me indicating he was well aware of how furious i was. 

"you've both remembered we're having dinner at the burrow tomorrow, right? before ginny, harry, ron and hermione go back to hogwarts and charlie and bill head back to work," she asked, her fingers playing with mine under the table, twisting the ring that hugged the skin of my forefinger. 

george and i both nodded, george jumping into a conversation then about us having to pull them out of school for opening. my mind wandered as they spoke, my thoughts lingering on charlie, an entire new wave of infuriation coursing through my veins as i realised it was his fault iris had even met teddy in the first place. why was he friends with such a despicable person?

it was then i decided george and i would take this issue up with charlie. while iris was preoccupied at the burrow, we would go and inform charlie of the true colours of his friend and possibly even pay him a visit. nobody in this world would ever hurt her, not as long as there was breath in my lungs and a beat in my heart; i wouldn't allow it. i'd get myself killed in the process if it meant keeping her safe. 

"okay, so we're certain on hiring eliza and that last guy then, elbar?" iris' voice pulled me out of my trance. 

"yeah, they were good-"

"hold up, hold on-" i interrupted, "elbar? that guy who was drooling over iris? fat chance-"

"don't be stupid, fred," george said, "he was good, we can't just not hire people just because they look at iris - we'll never find anyone in that case,"

"and what's that supposed to mean?" i huffed, the familiar feeling of anger bubbling inside my chest. 

"it doesn't mean anything fred, jesus - contain your jealousy will you?"

"come on, guys," iris scolded, squeezing my hand. i relaxed at her touch. "no arguments, okay? george is right," i shot her a look, "sorry fred, but just because someone's looking at me doesn't mean he shouldn't be hired, he was good, and if he's hired then he learns that one, i'm with you and two, there shall be no inter-staff relations. he won't want to risk losing his job, anyway-"

"fine," i sighed, leaning back, placing my hand on the small of her back. "who else? we need two more-"

after a lengthy discussion, we came to conclude that we would hire eliza, elbar, an older woman named cordelia, and a middle aged wizard, robin. we headed out of the three broomsticks, my hand tightly gripped iris' as we walked the route we had come. she tried to hide her apprehension, but her eyes darted around, lingering on the alleyway teddy had her backed up into. 

"george, iris, wait here - watch her," i demanded, running over to the alleyway, wand in hand. peeking around the wall, there was no sign of teddy, meaning the spell had worn off and he had fled. i reproached iris and george, george's arm loosely slung over iris' shoulders as she nervously played with her lip; my stomach somersaulting at the sight. i wondered how long i would feel so lovesick with her. i doubted the enamour i felt in her presence would ever wear off.

"he's gone," i informed them, iris' shoulders visibly deflating as relief flushed over her small frame. i took her hand in mine, once again, pulling her close as we headed back home. 

"i'll write the letters tomorrow then, letting them know they were successful," iris concluded as we entered the flat. tired from the long day, we all bid goodnight and headed to our respective rooms. as soon as the door shut behind us, i pulled iris into my chest, holding her longingly, wishing i could shrink her down and keep her in my pocket. 

"you okay, freddie?" she breathed, pulling back slightly to look up at me. still, my breath hitched in my throat as her concerned gaze burned into mine. delicately, i reached my hand up to her face, softly pressing it against her cheek, my fingers loosely entwined with the loose strands of her hair. she leaned into my touch, sighing contentedly as i brushed my thumb along her jawline. softer than i ever had before, i lowered my head, pressing my lips against hers. our kiss was slow, and gentle, with the absence of hunger and primitive desire. i wanted to convey just how much i loved her, that i would never ever hurt her, that she meant much more than the world to me. 


sighing, i leant my forehead against hers, my hands still lingering on the skin of her face. 

"i never want to see you hurt, ever. you deserve only good things, iris, i don't understand how the world could ever throw hardships your way, you don't deserve it, you deserve nothing less than the world. you have my everything, you are my everything. this," i pulled her hands up to my chest, placing them against the heart that hammered against my ribcage, as emotion flooded my senses, swelling in my chest, i drowned in my feelings for the girl who stood before me, "is all yours, okay? nobody touches you, nobody dares try and hurt you - the heart that beats in your chest is a mere reflection of mine, iris. my heart could never be as pure and as good as yours, but, god, any cracks that lay upon that pretty little heart of yours, any hurt, any breakage, any damage, it rips through mine just the same, because our hearts beat as one-"

lost for words, her green eyes peered into mine, staring straight into my soul, the soul that was entirely bewitched by her. her lips slammed against mine, the kiss we shared still delicate but deeper than before, ardent in nature. she shrugged her jacket off, tugging at mine so that i would do the same. my hands found their way back to her face as i laid her down onto the bed, leaning over her as our lips danced together in a coy, but hankering routine. my tongue slipped into her mouth, as my hands found their way under her t-shirt, my cold fingers erupting goosebumps on the warm skin of her torso. she sat up, breaking our kiss for only a fleeting moment as the two of us pulled off our tops, before laying back down and continuing the beautiful union of our lips. she tugged at my jeans, pulling away, i looked down at her, her cheeks rosy, lips swollen, hair disheveled, a soft glint in her eye. her beauty was unfathomable, and again i found myself wondering how on earth she was real; how on earth was she mine? my eyes explored from the depth of her own, down the bridge of her nose, across the valley of her cheeks and landing on her pink lips, as her tongue glided along the skin of the bottom one. i began to unbuckle my trousers, as she tugged at the waistband of them, once again, hungry, desperate to mould our bodies together.

"you sure?" i hummed. 

"please, fred," she responded. "i love you, i love you so much," 

tugging my jeans off my legs, i began peppering her neck and chest with kisses, soft, lingering ones, taking my time, savouring every inch of her. she lifted up her hips as i removed her trousers and underwear in one quick motion, her chest heaving up and down as my fingers explored her entire body. removing my boxers, i aligned myself with her entrance, once again drinking in the pretty picture of her underneath me. i was slow with her, again, ensuring to convey how much she meant to me, how much i truly, irreversibly and whole-heartedly loved her. my lips found hers, once more, like magnets unable to be parted as i slowly entered her. she crumbled underneath me, gasping as i slowly pumped in and out of her. her nails scratched down my back, pulling my body closer to hers, entirely losing myself in the rhythm of our love, losing myself in her. i knew i wouldn't last, our embrace far too raw, far too intimate for me to control myself. i truly had never felt so close to someone, our bodies and souls entirely connected as we melted into one. 

we were one even as we unfolded into ecstasy, riding out our high in unison, our bodies working together in perfect synchrony.

Twin Flame // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now