Sexualem Magicka

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They will call it the "Great Awakening".

December 21, 2020, the Winter Solstice, the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius... the beginning of a new WORLD.

An "age" lasts for 2,000 years, and our lifetimes thus far have been spent under the Piscean Age, influenced by the philosophies of Abrahamic religions, global expansion and colonialism, and the institution of rigid hierarchies.

What will the New Age bring?

It began for me in September, a massive ringing in my ears, in my head. A cacophony of voices so loud, I couldn't hear myself think. A dizziness that made it hard to move. A nausea that made it hard to eat. A restlessness that made it impossible to sleep. For three whole days and nights.

My Intuition began to scream at me. "You are NOT happy here! You HAVE to LEAVE! These people are dishonest! DECEITFUL! They wear the faces of friends, but possess the hearts of ENEMIES! They will DESTROY you! They want to CONSUME you! They seek to STEAL your SHINE, and control your GIFT! YOU MUST GET OUT!"

It was very hard to take. I had no choice but to leave them all behind.

BUT there was one friend that I regretted leaving, and I began to doubt myself. I tried to go back, but I knew, deep down in my soul, that it could never be the same again. Although I could feel him from a great distance, although I could see him in visions, and hear his songs in my dreams, he was NOT Awake, and I was. He made me doubt myself.

I came to realize that I loved him. He broke my heart.

I picked up the shattered pieces, and I carefully reconstructed myself from the ground up, soldering the glass shards together with precious gold, becoming more beautiful and stronger than before.

I researched what was happening to me, and studied and learned. I found teachers on social media, as well as others who were going through the exact same experience that I was, a Spiritual Awakening, a painful birthing of our psychic gifts.

I am Clairvoyant, I see things. I am Clairaudient, I hear things. I am Clairsentient, I feel things. I am Claircognizant, I know things.

I know my Worth, and I know that it cannot be dictated to me by someone else. No other being is allowed to have the power to decide what my Worth is, that Power belongs solely to ME. THIS is what the Age of Aquarius will bring, the power of the Individual, and the fall of the great Hierarchies that dominated the Piscean Age.

My Spirit Guides have made their presence known to me, sometimes I can see them. Other times, they use Tarot to communicate. When I get that high-pitched ringing in my ears, and that rush of vertigo, I know I am getting another 'download'. The ringing sound is actually a song, multiple strands of densely woven data streams, transmitted at a high frequency. If I could slow the sound down, I might be able to sing it one day. I am nowhere near being able to do that yet.

I never know right away what is in the download, I have to find it out gradually. Information from past lives, perhaps? Or that which has been gifted to me by my Spirit Guides or Angels? I can feel that my head is heavier in the back of my skull, where the information is stored, and I find that I instinctively know how to do things that I have never studied. It just feels like the proper way.

Take the other day, for instance. I was taking a shower, and suddenly felt the need to direct the shower nozzle towards my Sacral and Root Chakra points. In case you don't know, this chakra is the reproductive part of your body, and below.

The stream of hot water rushed over my labia and clitoris, stimulating waves of pleasure that echoed throughout my body.

"Keep the build-up slow" whispered my Intuition.

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