Gift to the Magi

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In my experience, I have found Dreamwalking to be a rather dangerous activity. Therefore, I try to limit my exposure to the Astral Plane. On rare occasions a person will come to visit me, this last time was quite interesting.

I found myself plucked out of an ordinary dream, and landed in a strange place. A large room of a house or a cabin, with vaulted ceilings, dark wood walls and flooring, and an enormous stone fireplace with a roaring fire. Green leather furniture, antlers mounted on the walls, large windows looking out upon woods. It was dark outside, but well lit inside. The room was full of people, it was a party.

Just beside my feet, there was a large chest of gold bars that no one seemed the least bit interested in. How odd.

The room was full of noise and laughter, music and even a few people dancing, until suddenly it wasn't. Everyone slowed, and the music quieted, and in my head I heard a chorus of whispers.

"Demon, demon, demon, a demon is coming" I heard from every direction.

I tensed, went into a defensive crouch. "Bring it on!" I yelled with bravado.

All of the people around me became motes of dust, suspended in mid-air, like they had never existed at all, but were part of an illusion. Lumbering through the door came a giant of a man, with blond hair, and pale white skin.

"No!" I stated firmly as he turned in my direction.

He took another step towards me, with arms outstretched, and I could see the blankness of his mask-like face, and the sockets of his eyes filled with flickering flames, no eye balls!

"NO!" I yelled even more firmly, holding my arms out now, palms up.

Just then the realization hits, I have no weapons on me... why don't I have any weapons? Why can't I access the weapons I normally would? What do I do now?

I take a step back, hitting the chest with my foot, yelling "NO" once again, and I can feel my anxiety rising. He towers over me, he must be well over 6 feet tall. He is almost touching me, his hands reaching for my neck, his face a terrifying mask, when I black out.

My visions literally goes black for several seconds.

When I can see again, I'm in the same room, but it's very different, very disorienting. The fire is now the only source of light, bathing everything around it with a red glow. I am on a settee in front of it, and I am being cradled in a man's arms. I look up to his face, but I already know that I recognize this energy.

"Magi?" I ask, feeling dumbfounded.

He kisses me on the lips.

"I don't understand... what are you doing?" I ask, pulling away.

I can see the demon over there, standing still, with his back to the wall, just... waiting, and it occurs to me that they are working together! Magi has made friends with this demon, or at least come to some kind of an arrangement with it.

I look at Magi's face again, trying to get a better read on his energy. He seems older now, much more mature. He has a powerful aura. There's a hardness to him I have never seen before. Not quite cruelty, but maybe... maybe it could be...

He pulls me closer to kiss my lips again, his hands twisting in my hair at the back of my head. I can't push away from him, it's like I have no strength in my arms.

I definitely did NOT see this coming. Thinking back to the Magi I met two years ago, I never would have anticipated that one day I would find myself like this. I never thought of him in a sexual way, only as a friend. He has come to visit me through the Astral Plane twice before this, but there was no kissing before!

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