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"New reports show a frenzy of fans after the highly anticipated release of Michael Jackson's new album-"

"Record store owners share their overwhelming experience after facing large crowds in quest of buying Michael Jackson's-"

"Is Michael Jackson about to top his record breaking album 'Thriller' after the release of-"

"Bad, playing now on MTV-Who's Bad?"

Each button I pressed onto the remote brought in my system a slight dose of pride, intoxicated by a tiny bit of irritation. My eyelids opening and closing themselves in a slow and tired cadence, I stared at my TV screen, shoving down my throat for the 100th time, the music video-I mean-short film, of my boyfriend singing and dancing around a New York subway, while trying to convince the people that he was bad.

August 31, midnight, record stores all around the world were getting ready to welcome the American genius' newest baby, named "Bad". And on its release, everybody went insane-I mean literally.

Earlier this morning, I drove to a record store owned by Tyler, located in West Hollywood, which was by the way, one of the most frequented record store of the area. Stepping outside of my car, I could'nt believe what my eyes were witnessing.

A crowd full of people, from babies to elders, standing in a large and long line that occupied the entire street, news reporters were there too, lugging around their cameras and microphones, trying to interview as much people as they could.

Thankfully for me, I didn't have to wait in line, thanks to Paul, one of the employees who recognized and ushered me inside.

The store itself was themed for the occation, with billboards and posters in his honour, as well as the album playing through the big speakers. It was a sight to see. After buying my own copy of the record, I looked for Tyler, who happened to be in the storeroom, stressing out about a possible shortage. After throwing a few asthma jokes as I watched him pull out his inhaler, I made my way out of the busy store.

The only reason why I even put a foot out of my house was to support Michael, because to be completely honest, I felt like shit.

I've been feeling like shit for the past five days to be exact, I lost my appetite, my insomnia made her grand return and I've lost all types of motivation and will to do anything.

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