Bad Van - Young Lady

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The doorbell rings waking me from my sleep and I rubbed my eyes throwing on a sweatshirt over my shorts and a old tea shirt. I opened the door to see Georgie grinning big. I let him come in my house and my parents were at the store currently. He sits on my bed and I quizzed coming out of the bathroom shortly after in a baseball shirt and blue jeans shorts with my tennis shoes in hand.

"What's up?" He pulls me over to the window pointing at a van. "I bought a car" I gulped lightly confused "Georgie that's a van." He nods as I locked the front door because he said he wanted to show me first before his dad.

The van was not in good shape, yes it had a bed and a mini fridge but it still wasn't good. Georgie was happy about and I tried to do the same but I couldn't - his dad wouldn't like it. His dad and him kept fighting so now he's living in the van. I sit in the passenger seat in the back and he pulled down the bed, he pat's it saying.

"Wanna try it out?" I cringed and remembered he's a boy.

"Georgie I'm dating you but no. Not in front of your parents house and not until we're parents would kill me if I got pregnant while I'm in high school."

He nodded his head with a pout but I sat down beside him. Kissing his lips and he kisses back softly now afraid of how far I'll let him. I kissed him back deeply before I feel something move under my feet. We pulled apart and I asked "what was that?"

A rat comes out and tried to attack us. Georgie tackled it and wrestled with it for a few minutes and it started pulling his hair. I found a baseball under the bed, so I called out opening the door. "Georgie let it go!" He released it and it charged at me but I spun at it hard with the bat and threw it out the side door before closing it quickly. Georgie got off the floor and was painting. I sat down on the bed still holding the bat with trying to catch my breath.

"You sure this is a good idea - I mean you can't keep waking up in the middle of the night because of a rat to kill it with said bat" I held it and it had bite marks in it.

Georgie ran his fingers through his hair but he wasn't giving up yet. "It's still my first car y/n...I have to prove to my dad this was a good buy" I sighed resting a hand on his shoulder "okay. Just be careful." I got up, jumping out of the side door and thankfully the rat wasn't there.

"We still on for tonight?" Georgie called out. I spun around saying with a shrug. "You have to win my parents over with this" I gestured with my hands to the van before Missy was calling me to come watch tv with her.

Later that evening my dad told me to come outside to see Georgie standing outside his van in a dress shirt and blue jeans with dress shoes. My dad stopped directly in front of him not impressed. "Georgie Cooper I'm gonna make this clear. You get rid of the van and I'll allow you to keep dating my daughter, you keep the van and you and y/n will never date again." I rubbed my hands down my arms looking to Georgie with sad eyes knowing this would happen. My mom watched from our front porch and she liked me and Georgie together. Georgie nodded understand and he got in the van and went home. I now sit on my bed coloring a picture with sharpies before I hear my phone ring.

I picked it up answering "hello" Georgie's voice came over "I got rid of the van...told my dad and he seemed happy. I didn't want to not be with you y/n. " I sat up smiling. He gave it up for me. "Oh and I also sent a letter over to your house for your parents. Can we hang out tomorrow, maybe you help me find a good car." I looked to my memory board seeing his family with mine, grinning even though he can't see it. "Yeah I'd like that" with that I hung up and went to bed.

A couple days later Missy had another baseball game. Georgie was working at the tire shop trying to earn back some money. Missy made me come to her game with her dad - it wasn't that hard to agree too. I like watching her play. She sat close to the car door with me in between her and her dad who drove us there. Missy tells me "I'm glad mom didn't come."

Mr. Cooper asked. "Why?"

She answered. "Cause now I can spit on the mat" I giggled at that before she realized something "I need to go to the bathroom."

I shift to look her in the eye "Missy you should've went before we left". She ignores me looking to her dad who agreed with my statement.

"Look I may spit like a man, but I have the bladder of a little girl." with that we stopped at a gas station. She came out with her head pointed to the ground.

I got out of the truck letting her sit in my seat asking "Missy, What's wrong?". Her dad glances to me confused.

Missy stuttered with her sentence. "It happened - that thing that happens to girls to become young ladies" I gasped knowing its her first.

Her dad on the other hand shouts. "What!"

Missy shouted back. "I'm not happy about it either!".

I took her hand in my own, ordering her dad. "Drive us to a drug store!" He nods starting the truck.

Missy wasn't freaking out about this but her dad was he - he's a guy though. He started to give me the money to take her in the store and get what she needed but I felt her grab my hand in hers. Turning my attention to her I asked "Mis, What's wrong?"

"I feel like it will be embarrassing.." I glanced to her dad who shook his head no, but I gave him an angry glare and he went inside. To distract her I started playing rock paper scissors with her. She was beating me but I beat her on the last round before her dad came out. "Here's everything you need."

I raise an eyebrow to him a bit suprised. "Really?" He nods pointing out a cashier. "There's a cashier in here you can hug if needed." Missy went in and we went to the game.

Her dad and I sat on the fourth row of the bleachers. Missy only had to throw one more strike then they'd win. I was excited for her because yes she was becoming a woman but I knew she's a good pitcher.

Missy threw a strike and her team started cheering. I threw a fist in the air, calling out. "That's my girl!"

A woman leaned over to quiz her dad. "That you're little girl?" After he cheered for her too.
"That's my little lady-" He trails off seeing Missy actually spit on the mat.

I chuckled slightly as she ran to hug me grinning. "Well most of the time." her dad finished. Missy and I pulled apart as I smiled. "That was awesome, lady Cooper."

She smirked throwing her hat in the air in victory. "I just keep rubbing their faces in the dirt, no matter what y/n!" I smirked wrapping an arm around her shoulder as we walked out of the bating cages.

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