Science Experiment

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She blankly stares at me as she basically broke my heart when she mumbled in a shaky tone. "Are you Missy's brother...cause I...what's your name?"

Climbing out of my hospital bed I leaned against the wall feeling pain shoot through my head. Baring my teeth I sit back down hearing footsteps enter the room. Blinking a couple times I recognized the person as Sheldon's meemaw. "Hey sweetheart, I just signed your release paperwork. So the doctor says you're good to go with me."

"Uh thanks...Connie." I trailed off taking a hold of her arm letting her help me down into a wheelchair since it was required by the hospital. She pushes me through the hospital until we made it outside to a car. Once I'm in the passenger seat I lean my chin in the palm of my hand sighing heavily.

Most of the drive was silent until she glanced my direction with a weak look. "Aurora will be happy to see you. She's been an angel at your parents house." Turning my head towards her I smiled somehow remembering my daughter's name but not the guy that was in the room with my best friend Missy. It didn't make sense how I could remember others and not him.

Georgie's POV
Laying on my bed in the garage I keep tossing a football up into the air lost in thought. Someone knocked on the door where my mom entered the room closing it behind her. "Do you want some pizza or anything to drink?"

"I'm not hungry...just go away!" I grumbled turning my back to her hugging the football to my chest. But I regret doing it because I see the pictures of us hanging on my wall.

She sits down on the edge of the bed sighing heavily. "Look I know you don't want to hear this but I will pray that things will get better-"

"It'll only get better if Y/n remembers who I am!" I grumbled under my breath feeling some tears falling down my face.

"One day I'm gonna buy a house and be rich." I replied laying on my stomach on her bed not really focusing on my math homework.

She snorted flipping her hair over her shoulders that had fallen over her eyes. Her parents were out at the grocery store so we had the house to ourselves. "And where am I in this dream of yours hmm?"

I leaned up pressing my lips onto hers feeling her smile into the kiss. "Right by my side always." She runs her hands through my hair making me gently push her down on her back breaking the kiss until we needed air.

Y/n stares up into my eyes holding herself up by her elbows. I hold myself up off her by my hands on either side of her on the bed. "Georgie, can I ask you something?"

Nodding my head slowly yes I could see that it was something serious from the concern in her voice. She avoided my gaze for a second before she finally revealed what was bothering her. "Would you be dating me if I wasn't best friends with your little sister. Like would you even notice me or just date a cheerleader or something?"

Flopping onto my back I turned her to face me wiping away some tears that had started falling down her face. I never expected her to feel insecure about us dating. "Darlin' of course I would choose you. You're amazing whether or not you were friends with my sister. I'll always choose you even if I couldn't remember why I cared for you."

"I'll always care for you no matter what happens, Georgie." She replied intertwining my hands with hers smiling back at me.

Rolling back over to face my mom I dared to ask the question about what would happen now. "Do you think she'll let me see Aurora. Where will she live at now?"

"It's possible...and you're meemaw allowed her to stay with her." She replied before we heard three knocks on the door meaning it was Sheldon on the other side of it.

He creaked open the door peaking his head inside holding a notebook in his hands. "Georgie, I think I have a theory on Y/n's brain injury and I thought you would like to hear it."

Shuffle up quickly in a sitting position I threw the football across the room praying that he had a solution to this torture. My little brother stands at the foot of the bed flipping through some pages. "I memorized the doctors records on her and it shows on the scan that the hippocampus was slightly crushed against her skull during the crash-"

"The hippo what now?" I cut him off wishing he would put it in easier terms.

Sheldon sighed in annoyance. "The hippocampus is the part of the brain that deals with memory. It's located in the temporal lobe of the brain."

"Sheldon..." I grumbled bending my face down to my knees. "How does this help get Y/n to remember who I am. I didn't ask for a brain lecture."

He glared at me looking to our mother who was still standing in the room. "I'm suprised he even knows she lost her memory at all."

"Sheldon Lee Cooper be nice to your brother!" She smacked his arm scolding him as I ran my fingers through my hair.

Flopping on my back I covered my face with my hands just wanting the nightmare to be over. I would give anything to go back and see the accident before it happened. Or had just decided to take her to Dairy Queen that would have been in the opposite direction. "I just want her back Sheldon...I'm an idiot. If I had - I should have been the one to get hurt. She doesn't deserve this.."

"It's just a theory. But if we can trigger the same charge on her memory. Then that charge should cause her brain to retract what happened." Sheldon replied staring directly at me.

Sitting up again I intertwined my hands together I wiped away some tears with my sleeve eyeing my brother. "Sheldon, what am I gonna do. How am I supposed to bring her memory back?"

"Get her to hit her head again after you make her fall in love with you. That should bring her memories back." He finally gave me the answer. I just hoped that his theory actually worked.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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