Stress-relief Weekend

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Noises from the kitchen is what wakes me up early this morning so I throw the covers off wearing a tea shirt and some sleep shorts with my hair a little messy entering Connie's kitchen. I sniffed the air smelling smoke when I came around the corner seeing Georgie beating the toaster with a rag cursing until I called out in curiosity. "Georgie, what are you doin'?" He turned around clearly caught off guard sitting the rag down once he throws out some burnt toast in the trash can. "Oh uh mornin'. I tried to make you toast - but the best I can do is soup."

Wrapping my arms around myself I sit down at the small wooden kitchen table watching him bring some slightly warm bowl of soup over in front of me. "I thought you'd be at work. Does your meemaw know your here?" I asked slowly eating the food he made until he pulled out a chair sitting himself carefully watching me. "I begged her for a spare key and Dale is getting his RV set up before he takes my meemaw on a date." Raising a brow I slurp down the last bit of soup in the bowl about to get up but Georgie beats me to it. "I'll get it-" I cut him off reluctantly handing him the bowl. "Georgie I'm still able to do stuff for myself you know. Besides I thought they broke up."

"Yeah they were but apparently now they're not. Old people are weird. Anyway he's letting us barrow the camper for the weekend." Georgie explains with a nervous smile waiting for my reaction. He had went and talked to Dale before his father and I knew why. He was afraid of his reaction same as I am about my parents. "Why do we need the camper, exactly. Are we running away?" I chuckled trying to lighten the mood of this pregnancy. He shakes his head leaning his elbows on the wooden chair. "No we're not runnin' away, but that might not be a bad idea-" I cut him off slapping my hands on my knees. "Georgie, I'm joking-" He bends his head down talking again. "I was just thinkin' that we take a weekend in the woods and forget for one second the fact we're gonna have a baby."

It was settled and thankfully agreed to by our parents so we packed up the camper heading out. After a few hours drive I jumped down the stairs hitting the ground with the wind blowing through my loose hair. Georgie went and got firewood and comes back as I had finished setting up the tent. "How'd you get that done so fast?" He asked searching for a lighter in his jacket eyeing my direction. "My dad hunts and we went camping when I was little so I learned how to set this up." Georgie finished the fire pulling up two lawn chairs in front of the fire sitting down. I plopped down inside the chair opening the cooler grabbing a Coke, tossing him one as well.

Tilting my head up to the sky I sigh in relief laying back in my chair. Cracking open the pop taking a drink feeling someone staring at me. Turning my head to Georgie he rests his chin in the palm of his hand just staring fondly at me. "You know I don't think I'd want to be havin' a baby with anyone else except you." Resting my other hand over my heart I felt touched, getting to my feet offering him an opened hand. "Awe with me." His gaze flickered from my eyes to my hands slowly replying. I pulled him to his feet intertwining our hands. My freehand on his shoulder and his on my waist pulling me closer. "We don't have any music though..." Reaching into my pocket I grab my phone clicking on a random song tossing it into my lawn chair. The music starts playing as we spun the other around in front of the light of the burning fire.

He spins me out throwing my hair around as I smiled up at the stars. Twirling back into his chest grinning seeing a grin on Georgie's face. Wrapping my arms around his neck I leaned up kissing him softly through a whisper. "I love you, Georgie Cooper. And I have faith this baby will too." He rests a hand to my cheek closing the gap and kissing me. Laying my head on his chest we just sway to the music in the background hearing him whispering back. "I love you too, Y/n L/n." That moment everything seemed to slow down. We weren't these two seventeen year old high school students about to be parents. About to be called mom and dad. We were just two kids in young love trying to escape their reality.

Comments really appreciated :)

How should Y/n's parents react about the baby, since we already know how George and Mary react?

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