getting used to it

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Kipo sat up on her room wondering why her mute side was starting to get out of control. The most valid answer she gave herself was that puberty was messing with the balance between human and mute.

She looked at her clock and decided to get up. Going over to her closet she picked out a plain black shirt with some blue Jeans. The last thing was a pair of furry socks with toe beans at the bottom.

She finally left her room and made her way down stairs. The smell of flapjacks and eggs filled her nose. She could already tell today was going to be a good one.

✨short time skip or whatevea✨

Kipo walked into the forest to go run around and get her exercise in. Her favorite part was climbing the trees and bringing out her ears and tail. After a few days of acting cat like she started to get used to it and even enjoy it.

The main reason she actually trained her powers was because she loved to scare wolf. She would sneak up behind her and make a small roar. I was amazing to see wolf jump and squeal.

Dalila would draw pictures of kipo acting cat like. Her favorite picture was one of her sleeping in a tree. They always had a good laugh about that one. It got even more funny when kipo fell out the tree.
She did land on her feet but the look on her face was priceless.

As of now her and kipo were cuddled up on the couch. Kipo had her head in dalila's lap purring. The latter was drawing a picture of the pink girl in front of her. She was so busy drawing she didn't even notice lio and song taking pictures of the pure fluffy moment.

Later in the night at around 6 PM dalila was playing with kipo's toe beans. Kipo thought about how she got there. Her feet where not comfortable but so didn't want to move. So she turned them into jaguar paws. But the moment she did her best friend was drawn to them.

"Awwwwww you even have a cat's toes" said dalila with baby eyes

The moment she said this kipo put them in her lap. If she was anymore adorable the burrow kid would die. After about ten minutes of this she found herself giving her best friend head Pats. She would have stopped if the half mute wouldn't growl when she took her hand away.

I got 420 words in this. You know I'm happy with myself.😁

kipo doing cat thingsWhere stories live. Discover now