first words

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Ozzy was a little over a few months now. He was starting to get big fast. Kipo said it was probably from being part mute. They read in a article that if you talk around him that he might start to talk faster.

They would talk about basically anything near him. They even started taking calls around him. One day he started babbling alot so they knew it was coming.

Kipo got off the couch to go get a snack. She was sitting next to Dalila and ozzy who was in between them. When she got up he felt her go and opened his Green little eyes and saw the pink girl leave.

She got a few feet away when...


Everything was silent for a few seconds. Kipo turned on her heels and look at the ginger boi. She sat back down and took a deep breath.

"Ozzy you did it!"

She yelled picking him up. The silence was broken and both parents stood up smiling. They starting celebrating with icecream and streamers.(pieces of things that got ripped)

Of course after all that it was past ozzy's bedtime. So kipo put him to bed and texted everyone that he said his first word. When she walked out the room her phone blew up. She was getting all these text asking what the word was.

'It was "mama" '

After that she went upstairs to her room and waited. Just as she thought Dalila came out in pajamas. Once she left she walked in and changed into some light pink shorts and a black shirt. Dalila had blue shorts and a plaid shirt.

They sat down on their shared bed and looked at each other. After sharing a kiss and saying their good nights they went to sleep. The night was quiet and peaceful but that was going to change.

🎆in the morning

Instead of waking up on their own terms or a nightmare they woke up to crying. Kipo got up quickly and walked to ozzy's room. She picked up the little baby and went through the check list.

Diaper? No she didn't smell anything
Teething? Possible
Nightmare? Most likely

She sang the song her dad would sing when she was feeling down. Almost instantly ozzy's eyes started to close. When she finished she started purring softly to see if he would do the same.

And sure enough little purrs came from the baby. When he stopped purring showing he fell asleep she looked at the time. 5AM two hours before her alarm. After gently putting ozzy down she saw a shadow by the door.

Before she could turn around she felt arms wrap around her stomach. She turned her head and saw the sleepy smile of her girlfriend. But when she turned around fully she was asked a question.


"The baby's already asleep"

The human gave her a look that said 'pleaseeeeeee' so with an eye roll she started purring softly. She knew Dalila was sleepy so she picked her up bridal style and went back upstairs.

They laid back down on the bed and got snuggled up together. Kipo was laying on her back with dalila's head on her chest.(close to her collarbone)
After a few minutes kipo's purr started to get quieter meaning she was falling asleep.

👁👄👁 at 7AM

The alarm clock on the side of the bed went off at the same as kipo's phone.
The two girls got up slowly and stretched. When dalila was done and kipo got a few cracks out her back they were off. Kipo went and changed in the bathroom while dalila was in the bedroom.

When they got down stairs the human went to her office to finish her up  drawings. Kipo went to ozzy's room and changed his diaper. After that she walked to the family room where she grabbed a vest. (The ones for holding babies)

A she grabbed a cup if water and walked back upstairs. She went into dalila's office and set the water down.

"Make sure you have enough water today"

She gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked away. Everything was nice and quiet until...


It was so sudden that her tail came out. After a little she smiled and sat on the couch. She took ozzy of her chest and sat him on her lap. She picked up a baby book and showed it to him.

The book was called 'are you my mother?' (Mom used to read it to me)
When she was nearing the end of the book she got a idea. She set him down and walked behind the ginger. She got down on all fours and brung out her fur.

She quietly stalked until she was right behind him. She put her fur away and put her hands up. Then she tickled the baby. The loud laughter was worth it. It was so loud that Dalila came downstairs to see what was happening.

She smiled when she saw just what was going on. Because she likes being sneaky too she took the time to sneak behind kipo. She waited until she stopped tickling ozzy then attacked. she went straight for her sides and got loud laughs in return.

When they were all done ozzy sat up and looked up at his moms. He gave a gummy smile and said what was now kipo and Dalila's favorite word.


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