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After planning how to take down DR.emilia Kipo and everyone else went to bed, well everyone but wolf.Wolf was awake guarding everyone one when she heard a humming sound. At first she thought it was a bee but when she went inside she heard it way louder than before, after looking around she found Dave and benson up aswell.

"Why are you awake?" Asked wolf. But before benson could reply they heard it again. They went to where the noise was coming from and found kipo purring loudly. Ofcourse kipo heard them and woke up."what going on" she asked sleepily. " were you...purring!?!" dave asked in disbelief. "Uhh what?" Kipo said trying to get back to sleep.

"Yeah you were purring." Repled benson only to see kipo already asleep. They ignored it and went back to sleep.

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