Sero x reader

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(y/n) was hanging out in the common room alone, playing on her phone. She was waiting on her best friend, Sero, to get ready. The two of them were going to hang out at an arcade together, sense the rest of the squad was busy.

"I'm ready, amigo." She hears from behind the couch. She stands up and looks at Sero. "Great!" She says cheerfully. Sero grabs her by the hand and starts walking to the door. "Vamonos!" He says with a smile.

After a few minutes, the two of them made it to the arcade. Sero instantly ran to the pinball game. (Y/n) fallows him, giggling softly. "You know you're trash at this game, right?" She says with a small smirk. "vete a la mierda" Sero mumbles as he struggles to not loose the ball.

After a good minute and a half, Sero looses all 3 balls with a low score. "El maldito juego está amañado." He grumbles with a glare. He looks at a nearby mother glaring at him and covering her son's ears. "S-sorry." He says apologetically. The woman stomps up to him. "You Need To Speak English! My Son Will Not Be Dragged Into Your Culture!" She shouts. Sero backs up a bit. "I-I said sorry..." He mumbles. (Y/n) pushes the lady out of Sero's face. "Hey! He Doesn't Need To Listen To You! He Can Do What He Wants!" She shouts at the lady. The woman dramatically falls to the ground and starts wailing. (Y/n) scoffs. "Let's go, Sero." She says and grabs his hand.

The two of them get back to the dorms. "She was mean." Sero mumbles as he looks at (y/n). She sighs and hugs the taller male. "She can burn in hell. You're your own person. She can't tell you what to do." She says with a small smile.

Sero smiles softly at her with a small blush on his cheeks. "Thank you, Mi amor." He says, then blushes a cherry red as he realises what he had said. She blushed softly and giggles lightly. She kisses Sero on the cheek. "You're welcome."

Sero kisses her on the forehead. "Te quiero mucho..." He said quietly. She smiled softly at him with a soft blush.

"I love you, too..." She says, looking into Sero's eyes.

"I love you more than anything."

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