Leader! Bakugou x reader

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Gang AU

You were walking down the street, protectively holding your book bag. You were walking to the near by coffee shop. You were being as cautious as a man in the dark after seeing a horror movie. The reason why? There have been rumors spreading around town that there's a new gang in town.

They called themselves, The Bone Breakers. They are one of the youngest people to start a gang, but they have sent multiple rival gangs to the hospital with, you guessed it, broken bones. They are the toughest around, and nobody messes with them.

You made it to the shop and sat at your normal seat with your coffee. You herd the door open and looked up to see who it was. You panicked. It was The Bone Breakers, all five of them. The girl with pink skin walked over to you while the others ordered there drinks. " Hi! I'm pinky! Do you mind if we sit with you?" She asked. You gave her a wobbly smile, and gestured to the seat. " G-go right ahead! I don't mind!" You said. She sat in the seat directly in front of you and smiled wider. " Thanks, I would have died if we couldn't sit anywhere! I've been standing all day!" She complained. You giggled a little.

The rest of the gang members walked over to the two of you with some drinks. You sipped your drink as they all toke there seats. Pinky smiled at you sweetly. " This is Spark, that's TD, he's Riot, and that's our leader," she pointed to the spiky hared blond sitting next to you. " His name is Zero." You nodded and toke a sip of your coffee. " My name is (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you all." You said.

Zero looked at you for a second, before saying something. " Oi, what's your fuckn' quirk?" He asked. You held up your hand a little and smiled. A small bubble popped out of your palm. " It's not that great. I can make bubbles form from my hands." You said. Zero looked at the bubbles for a second.

He started to pop them when they got to close to him. You giggled and stopped making bubbles. " Your quirk is so cute, (l/n)!" You shivered. " Please, Pinky, call me (y/n). You guys, too. I don't like my last name that much."

(Time skip one hour)

You and The Bone Breakers gang stood up from your spots and left the small coffee shop. You were about to leave to go home, when Riot grabbed your shoulder. " Hay, can we crash with you for a little while? Our base might have been taken over by a nother gang." He said. You panicked a little. You grabbed your phone and texted your mom.

Y: hay, mom. Can I ask you a teeny tiny favor? Just this once?

M: sure! Ask away!

Y: so, you know that new gang people are talking about?

M: yeah, The Bone Breakers, right? Please don't tell me you're in trouble!

Y: no, I'm not the one in trouble here! They told me that they needed a place to stay.

M: are you sure? I don't think there nice people...

Y: mom, it's fine. We got to know each other at that one coffee shop, ok?

Y: but, there leader has a little bit of a temper.

M: well, if they are your friends, then they can stay as long as they want!

Y: Thank You So Much!!!😁😘 Love you Mom.

You stuffed your phone back in your pocket. " My mom says it's okay." They cheered and hugged you, while Zero just scoffed behind all the love. He walked over to you and patted you on the head. " Thanks, twerp. We really fuckn' needed a place to stay." He said.

You all made it to your house and Spark used your head as an arm rest. "Thanks a bunch!" He chirped as you all walked in the house. Your mom ran down the stairs. "  H-hello, and welcome! Please, make your selves at home!" She said nervously. You toke the gang to the basement. It had chairs, a small couch, a TV, a game system, and all that other good stuff. TD whistled. " Nice." He said. You chuckled. " Yeah. It used to be my older brother's man cave untill he moved out." You said.

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