Sero x Reader

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(Latino Sero is best boi and you can't change my mind.)

Sitting in the common room, you and your friends play a game of Mario cart. After you cross the finish line for the final time, you look around at your friends. You giggle slightly as you watch Sero leaning side to side with every turn he made.

After the game finishes, you and a few others laugh as Denki pouts and complains about getting twelfth place again. Sero then taps your shoulder and holds his hand up after. "Good job getting first place, mejor amigo(best friend)." He says. You give him a high five with a smile. "Thanks man. But I couldn't have done it without you. I would have gotten fourth if you didn't keep hitting people with shells and putting banana peels everywhere." You say with a soft giggle.

Sero nods before standing up and stretching. You try not to stare at his muscles, sense he was only in sweat pants. "Hey, amigos, its getting late. We should head to bed soon." Sero says with a small yawn. You yawn after him and stand up, but you stood up a little too quick and the room started to spin a little. You quickly grab Sero's arm and hold on to it, waiting for the room to stop spinning. "(Y/n)? Are you ok?" He asks. You close your eyes and nod. "Y-yeah, just stood up too fast..."

After a bit, sero picks you up. "I'll just carry you to your dorm. I don't want you hurting yourself. But, first, I'm gonna get myself a bocadillo(snack)." Sero walks to the kitchen and sets you down on the counter gently before opening a cabinet and getting himself some oranges.

Sero hands you the oranges. "Hold these for me please." He says. You hold the oranges as he picks you back up. He walks to your dorm and opens the door, walking in and setting you on the bed before grabbing his oranges. "If you need anything, you know where my dorm is. buenas noches, amigo." He says with a small yawn after before turning around and leaving. He closes the door behind him and you lay in bed, snuggling into your blankets as you close your eyes.

°•~{Middle Of The Night}~•°

You wake up to the sound of a loud crash of thunder. You sit up, sweating and looking around frantically. You cover your ears as another boom of thunder rings through the air. You get out of bed, holding your ears tight to try and muffle the sound as you make your way out of your dorm.

You slowly walk to Sero's dorm and knock on his door, praying and hoping that he was awake. You hear the click of the door unlocking as sero tiredly opens the door. He sees you shaking and holding your ears as another boom of thunder fills the silence. He sighs and opens the door completely, gently picking you up before closing the door. He walks over to his bed and gently lays you down before laying next to you.

You feel yourself calm down a little. Sero turns so his back was facing you and closes his eyes, covering himself with a blanket as you do the same. You somewhat get a little closer to him as you relax. You do, however, flinch with every crash of thunder sense you were still a bit scared.

Sero could feel every flinch and he turned around to face you. He gently wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, holding you in his arms as he relaxes a bit. "Its ok, I got you... Your safe..." he says, his voice soft and soothing. You cuddle close to him and rest your head on yes chest with a sigh. "Thank you..." you say quietly.

Sero slowly falls asleep, holding you close as he snores quietly. You look at him for a moment before closing your eyes and falling asleep as well.


You wake up slowly, and notice Sero still had you in his arms. You cuddle close to him and he smiles softly. "Buenos días. How did you sleep?" He asks softly. You smile at him. "I slept great... thank you..." you say to him. He gives you a small kiss on the forehead, causing you to blush.

You cuddle as close as you could to Sero. "Can we skip school today? I don't want to let go." Sero says. You smile softly. "Yeah, we can skip."

You and sero end up laying there for hours, holding each other close as you both enjoy the embrace.

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