O!Bakugo x A!reader

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You were sitting in the common room, hiding in your big, soft, fuzzy blanket as Omegas swarm you.

It was the worst day ever for you, as all of the other Alfas had escaped the night before, leaving you to fend for yourself. All of the omega's heats had matched up in one day, and they were swarming the closest Alfa, witch was you.

You growl lightly as some try to grab you from under your blanket.

Then, your knight in soaking armor arrived. Bakugo had crawled out from his room after sensing that you were irritated. He shouts and hisses at the other omegas, causing them to scramble away in fear.

You basically crawl out of your blanket cocoon and hug Bakugo. "Thank you so much dude." You say with a smile. He scoffs and looks away before gently pushing you off. He looks you dead in the eyes. "I did you a favor, and now you have to do the same." He says with a small blush. You nod with a smile. "Anything for you!"

Bakugo looks at the ground in embarrassment. "Uhh... C-could you...

Go buy me some heat pills from the store..? I-I ran out yesterday and it's embarrassing to be seen there..." He mumbles. You smile more and hug him before patting him on the head. "No problem!"

You put the money Bakugo gave you in to your pocket and make your way to the store to grab what he asked for. You walk in and almost every omega looks at you. The worker walks up to you with a nervous smile. "H-hello, ma'am. Wh-why are you here..? Th-this is the omegas supply store, a-and your an Alfa!" She says nervously. You smile at her. "My friend needs heat pills sense he ran out and asked me to go get them! He says it's embarrassing to be seen here."

You walk out of the store after a while with a bag of heat pills and a small box of spicy snacks, sense you knew Bakugo liked spicy things.

You make it back to the dorms and knock on Bakugo's door, witch he opened instantly. He yanks you inside and closes the door after. "D-did you get them..?" He asks. You hand him the bag with a big smile. "Yup! And I also got you a snack!" He blushes softly. "Y-you didn't have to do that... I-I just needed the pills..." He mutters.

You plop down on his bed and look around. "Nice room." You say quietly. Bakugo takes his pill before sitting next to you, leaning on you a little after. "Thanks for getting my stuff..." He mutters. You smile softly and gently run your fingers through his hair, causing him to purr a little. "No problem. I'd do anything for you." You say softly.

Bakugo then sighs to himself before shuffling his way in to your lap. He wraps his arms around you and stuffs his face in to your chest before purring softly. You giggle softly and play with his hair a little.

After a while, Bakugo grumbles and removes his head from your chest. He grabs your face and shoves it in to his neck before mumbling something. "Huh?" You ask, not quite hearing him. "Mark Me Dumb Fuck." He growls. You blush and stare at his neck for a moment. "A-are you sure..?" "Yeah I'm fucking sure." He growls.

You gently cover Bakugo's mouth before leaving a small kiss where you would leave your mark. "Ready..?" "Mmhmmph."

You wrap your free arm around Bakugo to hold him in place before biting his neck where his cent gland was, causing the omega to yelp in to your hand and squirm around a bit, making a few small noises as well. After a moment, you slowly pull your teeth from his neck and leave a gentle kiss over it. "Sorry if I hurt you..." You say softly, removing your hand from his mouth.

Bakugo turns around swiftly and hugs you tightly, kissing you on the cheek after. "It didn't hurt..." He says quietly. You gently run your fingers around his back, tracing gentle shapes along his spine as he purrs in your lap. "I love you, Katsuki..." You say softly. He smiles a bit and nuzzles his face in to your neck.

"I love you too, teddy bear. With all of my heart..."

The two of you end up falling asleep in each other's embrace, purring softly as you hold each other close.


Hello people! Sorry if Bakugo is a little ooc! I just typed what my brain made up and went with it!

Isin't soft Bakugo adorable? I think so and if you don't like it fight me.

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