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It's been seven months since Della had the triplets. She was exhausted. She had to wake up in the middle of the night and take care of them. She wanted to get some sleep. She wanted to sleep when they slept but she had a two year old daughter that she had to take care of as well and Dewey didn't really want sleep. Every time that she put Dewey down in his crib he would start crying for her to hold him. She wanted to hold her sons but she couldn't always hold them. They had to be able to do things like crawl or sleep on their own and be able to walk an their own. She knew that things were going to happen for her kids. She hoped that only good thing would happen for her kids as they grew up. Her and Donald were nineteen years old and she didn't know that a nineteen year old could feel so tired. On their last few birthdays all she wanted to do was sleep and take care of her kids. Donald seemed to understand since she was a mother now. 

Della had been a mom for a while now and she seemed to like it so far. She didn't like the whole carrying the triplets around for nine months and the whole birth part. She loved cuddling with them and giving them bottles and putting them to bed. She also loved the help that she got from Duckworth, Donald, and Scrooge. They helped her a lot with the kids. They helped her when they thought that she needed a break. They did numerous things for the kids. Della was starting to get Blayke potty trained but it's hard when there are three babies in the house that need attention as well. Della was a mom of four kids and three of them were seven month old babies. Della never thought that she would have any kids. But she was glad that she did. She didn't care that she wasn't married. She was perfectly happy to be a single mother. She had constant contact with her babies. She got to be there for her babies. It was hard taking care of four kids in three years. She loved the kids. It was surprising how good of a mother she was. She was usually someone that couldn't sit still but now she was sitting still. 

One night, Della was getting bottles ready for the triplets when someone came into the kitchen. "Do you need help feeding the triplets?" Scrooge said. "Uh, sure," she said. Della grabbed the blue bottle and Scrooge grabbed the red and green bottles. They went into the living room where Donald was pacifying Huey. Scrooge handed the red bottle over to Donald. Scrooge picked Louie up and Della picked Dewey up. "Louie seemed to be the biggest triplet," Scrooge said. "I don't see how he's the biggest triplet since he's the laziest eater of the three of them," Della said. "He doesn't seem to move as much as the other two," Donald said. "Dewey moves the most even when I'm changing him or when he's sleeping," Della said. Della was the first to burp one of the triplets. "You're a gassy one, aren't you?" Della said when Dewey burped and farted at the same time. She put Dewey on the changing pad. She sat down on the floor and started to change his diaper. "Okay, I'm starting to think that it wasn't a fart," Della said as she pulled Dewey's diaper off and checked the contents. She got his diaper changed. It was a little hard to change his diaper when he was moving so much. She learned how to work with the movements of his tiny chubby duckling legs. 

Scrooge, Donald, and Della were soon putting the triplets to bed. Scrooge was putting Louie into his crib. "Ack, I see you found your old Uncle Scrooge's number one dime," Scrooge said. Louie started to whimper when Scrooge took the time out of his hand. Scrooge picked Louie back up to quiet him down before he upset his brothers by starting to cry. Louie quieted down again and Scrooge put them down in the crib where he didn't make anymore noise and went to sleep. Once Della had Dewey in his crib and made sure that the other two were securely in their cribs, she went to get Blayke into bed. 

"Blayke, it's bedtime," Della said, walking into Blayke's room. "No, not bedtime," Blayke said. "It is bedtime," Della said. Della picked Blayke up and put her into the crib. "Mommy, can I have a story?" Blayke asked. "Sure, what story do you want me to read you?" Della said, putting Blayke on the floor to pick a story from the bookshelf. Blayke picked a book from the bookshelf and walked back over to Della. "My Little Pony again?" Della said. "Yes," Blayke said. Della sat down and put Blayke onto her lap to read the story to her. Blayke was asleep before Della finished reading the story to her so she just put Blayke in the crib and tucked her in. 

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