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The Fourth of July came around and Della called her parents to come and visit for the weekend. Della couldn't wait for her parents to meet her kids. She was sitting on the couch when her parents showed up. She was sitting with Louie in her lap. Louie was half asleep on Della's lap. She was hoping that he wouldn't fall asleep before her parents got there. She was trying to get him to play with his brothers and sister. He would scream every time she put on him on the floor until she picked up and sat down on the couch with him in her lap again. She didn't know what else to do for him. 

Hortense and Quackmore got there soon enough. Scrooge brought them into the living room where Della was. "Mom, dad," Della said, standing up off the couch with Louie in her arms. "Della, I'm so glad that you called us to come visit for the weekend," Hortense said, hugging her daughter. "I am too," Della said, hugging her mother back. 

"Della, these kids are so adorable," Quackmore said. "I know," Della said. "You guys must have your hands full with the four of them," Hortense said. "We do but we can handle them," Scrooge said. "I know," Della said. Louie started to yawn as did the other three. "It looks like it's nap time," Della said. Della went and put the kids down for a nap. After she did that, she went back downstairs with everyone else. She was happy with everything. She finally had her parents know about her kids. She wanted this for so long. 

"Isn't Blaire supposed to be here by now?" Quackmore asked. "She was supposed to be," Hortense said. "I'll call her," Della said. Right then, Della's phone ran. Della answered her phone and put it on speaker. "Hey Blaire, I was literally about to call you," Della said. "I know that I was supposed to be there but I overslept and then I got stuck in traffic. I'm pulling up right now," Blaire said. Della hung up the phone and ran outside to see her sister and Donald followed right behind her to see Blaire. Blaire had brought some stuff for that weekend. It wasn't like fireworks or anything that she brought with her. Blaire was staying the weekend at the mansion. She didn't know how to feel about seeing Scrooge. She was a little scared about seeing Scrooge. Scrooge just stood in the front doorway. He had a scowl on his face just like the Grinch. 

"Uncle Scrooge," Blaire said. "Blaire," Scrooge said. There was an awkward silence for a moment. "What are you doing here?" Scrooge said. "Della invited me," Blaire said. "Why would she do that?" Scrooge said, looking in Della's direction. "Come on Uncle Scrooge, we haven't seen her in years," Della said. 

Later that night, everyone was in bed except for Blaire and Scrooge. "Uncle Scrooge, you don't understand. I stopped seeing Mark and I got a great job. I got my life on track," Blaire said. "You grew up, did you?" Scrooge said. "Yeah, I changed my whole life so I can take care of myself and you would hopefully let me see my brother and sister again," she said. "You haven't called me since the day that you left," he said. "I was eighteen. What was I supposed to say? Uncle Scrooge, I messed up, please give me another chance?" she said. "I could have helped you," he said. She sat down and put her face in her hands. She started to cry. "You kicked me out and it made me feel like you didn't want me in your house. I wanted to be there for my brother and sister. I got a job when I was sixteen and I was helping my parents with my brother and sister," she said. "I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. I didn't know the way that I treated you made you feel that way," he said. "Well, it did," she said. 

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