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Donald, Della, Scrooge, and Blaire took the kids to the park one afternoon. The kids had been cooped up in the mansion since Blaire moved into the mansion. Della wanted to take the kids out for a little while when the weather was perfect. Everyone else just wanted to tag along and get out of the house as well. They had lunch at the park. It was convenient for them so the kids can just play when they were done eating.

"Today was a great day," Della said. "Yes, it was. It was a beautiful day to take the kids to the park," Blaire said. "I couldn't ask for a more perfect day," Donald said. "The kids all seemed to have fallen asleep on the way home," Scrooge said. "Yeah, they had a lot of energy to burn out. Even Louie had some energy to burn," Della said. "I wish that I could have been there for you when you had your kids," Blaire said. "It's okay. I understand if you didn't exactly feel welcome and if you didn't want to see Uncle Scrooge," Della said. "You're here now," Scrooge said. It was true, she was here now. She hated not being there for her brother and sister. Everything was fine for her again. 

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