Chapter 12

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Niall's POV.

When the security guard and I left the cefeteria he let my arm go and sighed.

''... Niall! Why did you have to do that!?'' He exclaimed.

Whoa, whoa. Why is he adressing me like this? How does he even know my name...

''I-I don't know, Sir?...'' I responded.

He had a confused look on his face and a raised eyebrow.

''S-Sir?... OH!'' He clasped his hands together. ''Hahaha! I forgot to tell you!'' He giggled.

Is this man okay? I didn't know what to do...

He then stopped giggling and cleared his throat. ''Niall! It's me! Mason!.''

What the hell is he talking about... Mason?

I closed my eyes and quickly rubbed my eyelids to see if my eyes were decieving me.

After I opened my eyes again I saw a smaller figure standing in front of me

I jumped back. ''Oh shit!...Mason?!'' I exclaimed.

''The one and only!'' He said with a cocky tone.

I pointed to Mason. ''S-So.. You...?''

''Yup! I can shapeshift.'' He clarified.

''....What! That is... so cool! Why did you not tell me this before?!'' I said with excitement.

I wonder what else Mason can transform into. The possibilities could be endless.

''I'm sorry, but I only use this power for emergencies. I don't really enjoy the whole...Transforming ordeal.'' Mason said.

''Oh come on! I would love that! ...So tell me, what's your real form?'' I asked.

''The one that I've always had. Obviously.''

''Oh.'' I said. ''Wait a minute... Were you that boy that talked to me in the Gym on my first day of school?!''

Mason giggled. ''Kyle! How did you figure that one out!?''

''Because! You dissapeared out of nowhere! Now what was that for?'' I said.

''Eh, I just wanted to mess with you, to be honest. I was a bit bored.'' He grinned.

I frowned. ''I guess even you can get bored in this place, huh?''

''I have my moments... I actually kind of enjoy this little town.''

I'm sure he enjoys it here. I mean he does whatever he wants without people knowing...

''Ugh!'' Mason pressed his fingers on his temple. ''I should've never told you all of this... Now you're not focusing on what's important right now.''

''What's important right now?'' I asked.

''You fricking punched Liam! I had to get you out of that situation. So that's why I transofrmed into a school security guard and took you out by force.'' He said with desperation.

''I'm sorry, it just... Happened. I didn't think about it...'' I said.

''That's precisely why it happened!'' Mason threw his arms up. ''You don't think things through!''

I frowned. ''...Well now you're just making me feel bad." I crossed my arms and turned my head away. "Thank you very much.'' I said sarcastically.

Mason sighed. ''Niall, I'm just trying to help you out here... Don't think I'm telling you this because I want to upset you, but because I care... Nobody's perfect, I know that well enough... But there are some things that we can improve on to make our lives much easier and better. Don't you think so?''

Parallel (Ziall Story AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora