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For the first half an hour of their time together, Luhan didn't speak at all, and for that whole time, Mae Yun felt thoroughly awkward without him returning so much as a nod. She eventually decided to just talk to him directly.
"Are you okay?" She asked, turning directly to face him.
" Hm? Oh, ne I'm fine," he replied shyly, looking up from the floor that he was just kicking with his foot.
"Are you sure?" She countered, not convinced by his answer.
"I'm fine.. H-Honest, it's just..." He stuttered before cutting off his sentence.
"Just what?"
"Tell me?"
"It doesn't matter,"
"Please tell me," she whined like a child, only realising how stupid she'd sounded after she'd said it. He laughed then, and finally gave in, making Mae Yun smile.
After he'd stopped laughing, she became serious again. "So what's wrong?" She asked again.
"It's just, I've never really talked to girls that much, that's all," he confessed, which Mae Yun found hard to believe.
"Ne, really," he replied.
"But... You're... No, that's not true," she stuttered, earning a small smile from the boy. "If it's true, then you'll need to get used to it." She stated.
He smiled shyly before looking away again.
"Hey," she said softly while turning him to face her again. "You can talk to me whenever you want, we're friends now, right?" She asked.
"Arasseo, thank you Mae Yun," he smiled, and looked into her eyes, which she wasn't expecting. Before either of them could say anything else, however, they both heard the familiar voice of Oh Sehun coming closer, and they both looked away from each other before he could notice.

"Hey!" He said once he got to both of them.
"Hey," both Mae Yun and Luhan replied together.
Sehun gave them both a confused look at their synchronisation before continuing to speak.
"So, how was it with you two?"
"It was fine," Mae Yun answered bluntly. Sehun looked at her then, like he was trying to decipher something in her brain. After a few seconds however, he gave up on whatever he was doing.
"Luhan-hyung, I found out that we're in some of the same classes, except for Maths, which I'm really bad at. But we should probably get to tutor,"
"Yeah, okay," replied Luhan, giving a quick glance to Mae Yun as he followed Sehun away. They were only a couple of metres away when Luhan turned back to the girl and shouted a quick, "thank you." She nodded in return to show she'd heard him as he smiled and turned back to walk with Sehun. Mae Yun then decided to make her own way to her class, smiling stupidly to herself all the way.

Halfway to her class, however, she heard the familiar voice of her best friend call her name.
"Mae Yun!" Kim Taeyeon squealed when she'd finished running over to her.
"Taeyeon!!" Mae Yun squealed back. She couldn't believe how girly they both were.
"I've missed you so much you wouldn't believe," Taeyeon said, pulling her friend into a hug, and, for the second time that day, Mae Yun could not breathe because of a hug from one of her friends.
"Taeyeon. Can't. Breathe." She gasped. The other girl jumped with surprise, and let her friend go.
"Sorry, I've just missed you so much over the summer." She apologised.
"It's okay, it's just too bad that you had to go to Hong Kong with your parents for the whole summer," Mae Yun replied.
Kim Taeyeon's family were rich, unbelievably rich. Although Mae Yun did not know this until they were absolute best friends, Taeyeon didn't trust many people and she didn't like to brag about her wealth.
"I know right." She sighed. There was a silence for a few seconds before Taeyeon spoke up again.
"So, what?" Answered Mae Yun, confused by the question.
"Did anything happen with you and Sehun over the summer?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"What? Of course not! How many times, we're just friends. We didn't hang out that much over the summer anyway." Mae Yun confessed as Taeyeon arched her eyebrow at her.
"Honestly! He was with a girl!" She exclaimed. After that, Taeyeon seemed to believe her, so she shot another question at her friend.
"So who did out go out with?" She asked innocently, expecting a truthful answer.
"No one,' Mae Yun answered, however, the slow burning of her cheeks gave Taeyeon her answer.
"You did! You're such a bad liar Choi Mae Yun!" She half shouted.
"Okay fine, I did, but keep your voice down next time,"
"Omo, who? I need details. Are they a good kisser? Are you still talking? Where did you go? Are they nice? What's happening now?" She bombarded.
"I will answer those questions... In tutor, we are seriously going to be late,"
Taeyeon nodded and together they both ran to their classroom.

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