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As soon as they'd taken their seats, Taeyeon once again started off with the questions, which Mae Yun replied with telling her to shut up, as their tutor was glaring at them both. Most of the time, Taeyeon didn't understand the concept of whispering.

When they were finally allowed to roam around the classroom and talk (much to Mae Yun's dismay) she started explaining.
"Okay," she sighed.
"Okay. Talk," said Taeyeon eagerly. "Who was it?"
"It-It was Kim Jongdae." She replied.
"What! You mean Ch-" Taeyeon almost screamed out to the entire class, before you covered her mouth with your hand.
"Keep your freaking voice down!! No ones supposed to know!" Mae Yun said sternly. "Okay, I'm going to take my hand away now, promise you're not going to scream?"
Taeyeon nodded slowly while rolling her eyes and gesturing for the other girl to get off her.
Slowly, Mae Yun removed her hand, and waited for the scream that she expected to come, but Taeyeon stayed silent.
They both whispered from then on.
"Why did Kim Jongdae, the hottest boy in this school, go out with you?" Taeyeon whispered.
"Thanks," replied Mae Yun, pouting.
"No no, I mean, why would you let him? You don't go for people like him,"
"I don't know, he seemed nice, and I was bored. It's over now," Mae Yun shrugged.
"Over? Over?! It can't be over, what made it be over?"
Mae Yun repeated her shrug.
"So what did you do?"
"Nothing," said Mae Yun bluntly.
"Nothing." She repeated.
"You can't go out with the most loved boy in this school and do 'nothing', you know his reputation."
"Yes, I do know his reputation, which is why I called it off before anything could happen." Stated Mae Yun.
"So, what did you do before you called it off-"
Much to Mae Yun's relief, just at that moment, the bell rang for next lesson. Taeyeon sighed before nodding.

Unfortunately, the two girls were in their next lesson together, but fortunately, they sat no where near each other, thanks to their constant talking, they weren't allowed to sit together in lessons.

As the two friends walked into class, Taeyeon skipped off ahead and went to talk to their friend Tiffany, Mae Yun's seat mate. Mae Yun slowly walked over, not wanting it to look like she was listening to their conversation. She heard the words 'Mae' and 'summer' and immediately knew what they were talking about.
Eventually Taeyeon finished speaking, and went over to the other side of the classroom to take her seat, as Mae Yun glared at her.
Sighing, Mae Yun sat down next to Tiffany, waiting for the bombardment of questions that would surely come.
It came.
"I can't believe you went out with-!"
"Shut up!" Mae Yun had to half whisper.
"Okay, okay. But, how, and why, did you go out with Kim Jongdae?" She whispered.
Mae Yun sighed, knowing she would have to explain this sooner or later.
She started explaining, and about a quarter of the way into the story, Tiffany had a question.
"What film did you see?" Referring to what Mae Yun had just said about going to the cinema.
"Woman in Black 2," she replied.
"Aww, did you get scared and bury your face in his chest?!" She squeal-whispers.
"Maybe... That is irrelevant!!" Mae Yun exclaims, turning red.
"Aww, thats so cute. Carry on," she urged.
Mae Yun carried on, leaving out the bit that would make the other girl scream until they'd left the class.
Once she'd heard what Mae Yun said, she bit her hand to stifle a squeal, as they were still nearing the end of the lesson.
When the bell suddenly went, Mae Yun got startled, not realising how long she'd been talking for.
When they'd all been dismissed, Mae Yun shoved Tiffany out of the classroom with just enough time before she squealed with excitement.
It started very loud, earning them strange looks from the people around them, until Tiffanys squeal turned into a silent one, and then stopped completely. When Mae Yun finally looked at her, a big smile was spread across Tiffanys face.
Taeyeon had come up to the two while Tiffany was screaming, and now she was giving Mae Yun a quizzical look.
"I told her what happened," explained Mae Yun.
"What! Why didn't you tell me?" Taeyeon whined, pouting.
"You weren't there," she shrugs.
"You'd better tell me now then,"
"I can't, I'll be late for next lesson, Tiffany can tell you. You have next lesson together right?"
Taeyeon sighed but then nodded, and Mae Yun ran off before anymore questions could be asked, besides, she was already late for Advanced Placement Maths.
There were always older students in that class, but what Mae Yun did not expect was the new face sat in the seat next to hers.
When he saw her, Luhan smiled obviously relieved he was sat next to someone he knew. Mae Yun smiled back awkwardly before sitting beside him, she was about to say something when the teacher called Luhan up to the front.
"Everyone, we have a new transfer student, LuHan."
Mae Yun could already see half the girls in the class making googly eyes at him, which he seemed to not notice. Instead, he looked over a Mae Yun shyly and smiled once more.
The teacher dismissed Luhan back to his seat, and carried on with the lesson.
Once he'd set the work for everyone to do, he walked over to Mae Yun and Luhans seats.
"Miss Choi, could you please show Luhan the work from your book from the last month of last years school year?"
"Arasseo, songsaengnim." She smiled at him, and he left, as neither of the two had given him a reason to stay.
As soon as he'd left, Mae Yun turned to Luhan, but he had already started talking.
"Why are you in this class?" He asked.
"I'm advanced in Maths, so I got put with the year above, hence why you're here," she explained. He nodded once he'd understood.
She turned to the pages of her book that the teacher was talking about, and started explaining what they did last year, until she had a question.
"Why do you only need to last month of work? Why not the rest?"
"I-I wasn't in school for that month. S-Some things happened," he stuttered. Mae Yun didn't know what 'stuff' was, but she decided not to press it any further, it seemed like a sensitive subject.
"Arasseo." She said before returning back to explaining the work, much to Luhans relief. They carried on like this until the bell went for break.

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