chapter 5 - I'm so confused!

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The Dating Diaries – Chapter 5

I'm so confused!

“Hey honey! Good day?” mum yelled from the kitchen

“Yes!” I yelled back. I hadn’t told her about Courtney or James yet.

“Pep-Pep! Annie!” called Olivia running through the door. She still had all her stage makeup on from her movie contract and she looked so grown up!

“Olivia! You look like a princess!” I cooed, like most girls her age she loves being all dressed up like a princess.

“Hey sweet!” cried Annabelle coming over and picking her up. I smiled at my little sister screaming in joy.

“Pepper can you come here a moment please?” called mum. Uh oh this can’t be good. She has the ‘we need a serious talk’ look on her face and from many years of experience I know for sure that’s a bad thing. I walk into the kitchen closing the glass door behind me. They’re soundproof I should add.

She sat down at a stool and pulled one out for me to sit on. I did as so.

“So now tell me the truth. How was today?” she questioned with a seriously worried face. I know how worried she had been, I nearly always rung her up at lunchtime when I was being bullied.

“It was great” I stated bluntly.

She nodded once “Any cute guys you met?”

I grinned I hadn’t forgotten about James one bit. “One or two…” I said shyly.

She gasped her eyes lighting up and sparkling “Omg tell me everything!” honesty I swear my mum is an older version of Annabelle sometimes. I proceeded to tell her what had happened and by the end I could have sworn I saw tears in her eyes.

“What’s the mater” I asked her, worried.

She enveloped me in a tight hg and looked me directly in the eye “I know you never really fit in at your old school. I know how much the other kids bullied you, and I couldn’t be happier that you’ve finally started to fit in.”

I grinned and she grinned straight back at me. “So whens James calling you then?”

“Half six” I replied looking at my nails. Oh crap I broke one of them! I guess I’ll just get Annabelle to put fake ones on.

“Cool” she replied “so I guess you’ll have time to set up your new phone before he calls you.”

“What?” I asked puzzled. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small white box. Reading the label I literally screamed “Ahhhh! Omg mum! I can’t believe you actually got me an iPhone five!” I pulled it out of its protective wrapping and began setting it up. “How did you even manage to afford it?”

She suddenly became uncomfortable where she was sat under my gaze “well… that’s what I wanted to talk to you and Annabelle about actually-“

“PEPPER! COME HERE NOW!” came Annabelle’s voice from upstairs.

“Sorry mum talk later, yeah?” I grinned at her grabbing my new phone as I ran out “oh and thanks again for the phone!”

I ran up the stairs two at a time. Still hyped up from school I guess. Never fitting in at school was hard, but you learn to live in the shadows and put up a mental block to shield yourself. Now things are different. I have friends a half decent appearance and for the first time in my life, a guy that was interested. Not just any guy though, just the head jock of the whole entire school! I skipped with excitement as that last thought passed through my head and knocked on Annabelle’s bedroom door.


I entered cautiously. She’d painted her room red and got a thick white fluffy carpet that literally felt like you were walking on clouds her classic double bed lay on one side while her huge walk in wardrobe was to the right. It was difficult not to notice the extra huge dressing table with all her make-up on it though.

“Whoa Annie, how’d you get your room sorted so quickly?”

She shrugged and sat up on the floor filing her nails. “Got mum to hire a designer and I guess we got the decorators thrown in free.”

I frowned debating what she said “yeah, but still… how can she afford it?”

“Well she got that promotion didn’t she?”

“Yeah but that promotion wasn’t that big. Think about it, the house, the phones, and the furniture. Everything.”

She sighed “you think too much Pep, she’s got money and I intend on using it. Right now this is why I wanted to talk to you.” She motioned for me to sit down. I sat.

“James is ringing you tonight, yeah?”

“Well yeah but-“

“So what are you going to say?”

I frowned “what do you mean?”

She glared at me “Well you only give the jock your number if you want to go out with him, duh… you didn’t know?”

I shook my head solemnly. “No.”

She widened her eyes “that’s why he’s giving you till half six. It’s so that you have time to make up your mind”

“But I only just met him! I don't want to if I just met him today! You have to say something Annie!”

She looked at me with a face that was full of disbelief. “I want you to listen to me very carefully Pepper. You can either go out with him and become queen bee, or you can reject him and become the school downer once again.” Her nails suddenly became very interesting. “It’s your choice. Just remember every single girl in our school wold die to be in the position you’re in right now”

That’s Annabelle’s way of saying go out with him or die. For a moment I thought about it, and then I knew my decision.

At six o’clock sharp the phone went and I answered it immediately knowing exactly who it would be.

“Hey Pepper.” Came a strong masculine voice. Annie quickly held up a piece of paper with writing on it. Upon further examination I saw that it red ‘don’t act clingy.’ When was I ever clingy? I answered back to him doing my best impression of Annabelle.

“Hey James!”

She face palmed her head telling me that wasn’t what I was meant to say.

“Haha umm yeah so I was wondering if you wanna go out with me?” he questioned without any noticeable emotion in his voice. I looked at Annabelle who was giving me the big thumbs up and nodding her head like the Churchill dog gone into over-drive. I made my decision.


So what’s she going to say? You’ll just have to wait and see I guess mwahahaha ;) I’m so so so sorry I haven’t updated in so long. I was in the musical of Oliver and at school till 10:30pm every day… even weekends! But I will try and update again before or on Christmas day okay? But if not I hope you have a good one!

Today’s songs are Mountains by Gabrielle Aplin and also collide by Howie day. Seriously check those out they’re amazing!

I’ll update when I have 5 votes and three comments so get voting my little Christmas elves! Thank you for reading!




I’LL BE BACK SOON! ß Oliver quote for you all to finish off with ;P

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