england i love you!

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The Dating Diaries – chapter three

England, I love you

We drew up to the new house after travelling for two hours in the pouring rain. Olivia was asleep, Annabelle was texting and me? Well I had gone through all my playlists at least a dozen times and was bored to tears.

“Are we there yet?” I moaned for the billionth time.

“Yes pepper! This is the drive!”

I think I stopped breathing then. We’re driving up a road, well the drive as mum says, and it is really so beautiful. Both sides of it are a sea of foxgloves, primroses and willow trees standing proud at the top. We drove up to a huge inviting stone house with a neat well-kept lawn that went on for miles.

“Omg.” Gasped Annabelle.

Mum stopped the car and we sat there, frozen.

“Welcome home girls!” shouted mum who was already getting out. We all snapped into action and ran out the car bringing our suitcases and Olivia with us.

“I’m getting the biggest room!” as you can probably guess, this is Annabelle.

“No! I am, and the removal men have already sorted all your stuff out so you girls are not swapping!” yelled mum.

I ran up the stairs to see my posters stuck up on a door. Guess this is my room then?  I peered inside closing the door behind me. It. Was. Huge! Presently I heard an exited scream from a room somewhere on the third floor. I ran to the end of the corridor, how we could afford this house I have no idea. It’s not like we’re rich or anything. Up the next flight of stairs there was no corridor, and no doors except for one. I pushed it open and entered what was possibly the biggest room in the world. And sat on the double king size bed was a very smug looking Annabelle.

“Looks like I got the best room!” she grinned

“Mines better” I responded childishly.

We went to bed that night with happy hearts and exhausted from our adventures.

Annabelle drove us to school the next morning and I was sick with nerves. I had my hair styled to perfection and my makeup was immaculate. My uniform had been changed so it looked cooler and I felt it. Apart from when we drove into the ground.

Everyone, and there were hundreds. Had stopped what they were doing and were staring at

the car. Probably wondering who was inside. Thanks to the blacked out windows though they

Couldn’t see. I glanced at Annabelle to see a glimmer of fear in her eyes. As soon as she saw me looking however it disappeared. I stepped out of the car at the same time as Annabelle and we walked confidently over to the main reception. Everyone’s jaws were on the ground and I noticed some menacing glances from some girls that had small badges… uh oh prefects.

We arrived at the main reception and the receptionist gave us a friendly wave.

“Hey you must be Pepper and Annabelle, right?”

“Yeah we are, can we please have our timetables?” replied Annabelle coolly

“Umm yes sure sweetheart” she replied fumbling around with her papers and dropping them all over the floor. I momentarily felt bad for her, but people were around and I couldn’t show up Annabelle. Like she says; to keep them keen you treat them mean. She eventually found our time tables and we thanked her before walking off to tutor.

I walked into my class all by myself as Annabelle would be in a different tutor group and walked in doing my best impression of confident. The whole room became silent as people turned and faced me. I could hear the whispering.

“Who is that?”

“It’s the new girl; everyone’s been talking about her and her sister”

I handed the teacher my note and he introduced me. There were a few snickers at the mention of my name but a death glare soon shut them all up.

“Now Pepper, where can we put you?”

I glanced around the room looking for empty seats. There was one next to a girl with rabbit teeth. No way, Annabelle would kill me. Then I saw a girl with makeup, straight blonde hair and chewing gum on the back row. she looked cool. And she had a free seat next to her on the two seater desk. Just as Sir was about to put me next to the nerd girl I went and sat next to the pretty one putting my bag on the floor.

“I’ll sit here thanks” I smirked at the teacher. He looked like he was about to disagree but a small fight broke out on one side of the class, causing his attention to transfer.

“That was so cool! You just totally flipped off that teacher!” the girl exclaimed. She was really pretty with bright blue eyes and pouty pink lips. I knew I had to be friends with her.

“I know right?” I grinned “so what’s your name?”

She grinned “Courtney, so have you seen any cute guys at this school yet?”

I gaped at her. You can’t ask someone that, oh wait I forgot popular's can. I quickly regained my posture “no not really”

She smirked “don’t worry I’ll introduce you to all the boy’s on the populars table at lunch… you are a popular right?”

What should I say? I couldn’t tell her that I was the biggest nerd imaginable, but I couldn’t lie to her.

“What do you think?” I asked her sarcastically

She rolled her eyes “thought as much. That’s why everyone’s making such a big deal out of you and your sister being here. I mean your both clearly queen bee material”

I felt like jumping up and down screaming at that last comment. Queen bee!

“It must be weird not texting any guys though. I mean, you’ve just moved here from Canada or whatever, but don’t worry I know a guy who has already got his eye on you” she winked.

“Is there a problem over there girls?” asked sir.

Courtney smiled seductively “why? Do you want there to be?”

He just shook his head and carried on with the lesson. I sat there in shock at what Courtney had just done, but she seemed fine with it.

I had so much to learn.


Hey guys so sorry this one’s late! Hope you enjoyed it though! Again any ideas for casting would be so helpful and OMG guess what? My other story the scream team is on whats hot! Ahhh! I don’t even know why its shockingly bad but if you want to check it out your welcome. If anyne wants to make covers or banners you can and I’ll post them here. Please please keep voting, commenting and fanning! It means so so much you have no idea! Next upload should be before next Wednesday because that’s when I go back to school. Oh and also check out Marilyn Monroe by nicki minaj believe me im not exactly a nicki minaj fan but it’s a really good song! I might put a link but thanks for reading!!!




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