its makeover time!!!

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The dating diaries – chapter 2

It’s always weird to wake up to your room being completely empty and being lain down on a cold hard floor. Today was moving day. The day I left my old life behind and swapped it for an entirely different one, I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone creeping into my room.

“Who is it?” I whispered so we didn’t wake Olivia who was sound asleep next door.

“Only me silly” came the unmistakeable voice of Annabelle.

I propped myself up on one elbow so I could see her better through my sleepy eyes. “What are you doing up?”

“It’s half eleven, and we’re going out”

I suddenly felt wide awake. “What?”

She grinned like the Cheshire cat. “I’m giving you the makeover, popular style”

I got up and threw on some tracksuit bottoms with a too big t-shirt while she moaned about how bad my sense of style was. We said goodbye to mum and left the house. I couldn’t get over how different we were, Annabelle had long platinum blonde perfectly curled hair down to the middle of her back, and was wearing a short pink skirt with white stilettos with a white vest top. Then there was just me.

We reached the town where Annabelle brought me; shoes, skirts, skinny jeans, tops, cardigans and shorts. Then this short navy blue dress.

“I can’t wear this!” I exclaimed walking out of the changing rooms.

Annabelle stopped chatting up the sales assistant; seriously that girl works fast! She looked at me and gasped. “Oh pepper you look beautiful!”

I strongly disagreed but she ended up buying it anyway. Next on the list was fake tan, perfume (apparently I smelt like a dead dog) and then a hair dye shop.

“Are you serious!?” I questioned her sanity.

“Yep!” she replied before sauntering in and dragging me with her.

The hair dresser pushed me into a chair and pulled out a pair of alarmingly large scissors.

“Okay so what are we having today then?”

“Oh umm just a tri-“

“no.” cut in Annabelle “I’m thinking we go a honey blonde colour, side fringe, layers, few extensions and umm maybe a few curls to finish off with?”

I sat there in complete shock while the hair dresser complemented Annabelle on her sense of style, looking in the mirror at my bleak murky brown hair I realised I needed change, and looks can only take you so far. A huge drape was suddenly pulled over the mirror.

“Hey, I can’t see whether I like it or not now!”

“That’s the idea!” sang a smirking Annabelle as the hairdresser began cutting my hair. She carried on like this for an hour as I saw huge locks of hair drift down to the floor.

“Okay I think it’s time for the dye!”

She came over with this horrid bowl full of the vilest smelling paste ever.

“Are you seriously putting that in my hair?” I asked in disbelief. Annabelle gave me a quick kick and I shut up.

“Highlights or all over?” the woman asked aiming the question more to Annabelle than to me.

“All over” she replied coolly.

I gulped.

Thirty minutes later and my hair were washed dried extended and curled to what Annabelle and the hairdresser had both agreed was to perfection. I hadn’t seen it yet and was kind of nervous about the whole thing.

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