Meet The Populars!

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The Dating Diaries – Chapter four

Meet The Populars


The school bell went for lunch sending the whole school into a frenzy. I closed my books putting them into my brand new Kathy kitson school satchel.

“so are you sitting with us at luch? I’ll get you in with all the hottest jocks and if your lucky maybe even James”

I knew not be shy  with my answer. People will just take advantage of innocence.

“sure, but who's James?”

We got up and started making our way to the cafeteria.

“How can you not know James?”

“ive only been here a couple hours I cant know everyone alredy”

She grinned and flipped her hair “But James isn’t just anyone!” she defended “he’s head jock, and really hot. But everyones going to be all over him at lunch because he’s just broken up with his girlfriend”

Okay I had gone over this with Annabelle. Whoever the head jock had as his girlfriend was automatically queen bee. So considering he had just broken up with his girlfriend last night that meant …

“so everyone wants to be queen bee?” I concluded.

She nodded her answer “its slightly different at our school though. There is a head jock and queen bee in each year. That’s because we have a different football team in in year group. All jocks and queens sit together on the middle table. Basically if your sat there youre a god.”

I though this over to myself, this could be really important information in the future. We walked into the cafeteria, turning a few heads and guess who was sat on the royalty table?


How did she manage that!? We’ve been here for three hours, no less, and there she was sat on what I’m guessing was her years jock’s lap.

“Woah your sister works fast!” Courtney exclaimed. But she was right and it was quite admirable to be honest. Annabelle noticed us in the cafeteria and gestured us over to the table.

“I know! Hey lets go see her?”

She nodded happily and we made our way over. I noticed there were four sets of couples and one boy sat on his own. I say his own, but there was a large crowd around him that was made up entirely of girls. The weird thing was though that he wasn’t paying them any attention, just staring at the table. He was very hot to say the least though.

“Hey Pepper!” called Annabelle. I grinned at her “hey!” I called sitting on the table with Courtney.

James’ eyes snapped up to meet mine as soon as my name was mentioned. He shook off some slut who had her hand all over him and moved over to sit next to me.

“so you’re this famous Pepper everyone’s been talking about then?” he asked smiling a charmingly handsome smile. He was cute. He had jet black hair that was a perfect swish and electric blue eyes that drew you in so you felt as though you could read his soul and his teeth! Don’t even get me started on those beyond perfect pearly whites…

“pepper?” I realised I’d been staring at him for long enough now. Way long enough.

“That’s me” I grinned “and you must be James! I sure have heard a lot about you” I added winking.

He laughed “oh really? Well your better than I’d hoped umm can I get your number?”

I was a little taken back by his forwardness and freaking out on the inside. I never would have expected this to happen on the first day and therefore Annabelle hadn’t taught me what to do in these situations. I gave her a look that said ‘help me’ and she mouthed back a quick ‘say yes!’ I turned back to James.

“sure!” I read it out as he saved it into his phone.

“hey I promised that I’d introduce you to everyone today didn’t I?”  Courtney reminded me.

“oh shoot yes! i‘ll see you around James. Bye guys!”

“bye!” They chourused apart from James who added “I’ll call you”

We walked off toward the rest of the populars. “Omg your getting it on with James!” Courtney squealed “now we just have to find a few more guys for you and then you’ll be all set!”

I looked at her confused “what do you mean ‘more guys’” I said quoting with my fingers. “and all set for what?”

She looked at me like I was dumb “you never just get it on with one person. You go out with one person and sleep with another behind his back, duh. To be populr you aso have to make yourself stand out. With you its simple. New girl who’s getting it on with Jason with a sister who's queen bee. With me theres nothing so I have to get  name somehow. I bet you’ve cheated loads of times!”

“I would never do that in a relationship!” I hissed

“oh right so you let them know your sleeping with other guys? Sweet!”

I stopped in my tracks “no I never cheat or sleep with anyone behind their back”

She genuinely looked shocked. Are english kids just sluts or were they lke that back at home and I never realised?

“wow, that sounds cool. I’m gonna start doing that with Toby!”

“who's Toby?” I asked being nosy.

“my boyfriend” she answered proudly.

I smiled. Someone was in love! “can I meet him?” I asked.

“sure! As long as you don’t sleep with him” she added sternly. I rolled my eyes. “just introduce me already you hoe.”

The rest of the lunchtime went in a flash. I met Jessie, Jessie, Ruby and Perrie who didn’t seem to like me much at first, but as soon as we mentioned my encounter with James they warmed up immiedietly. Apart from Perrie who turns out got dumped by james last night. Then I was introduced to the jocks:  Toby, Liam, Harry, freddy and of course I already knew james.

I say the lunchtime went quick, but before I knew it the bell was going for hometime. My first day in a long time where nothing had gone wrong. And I was getting popular! Could life be any better?

As I walked out the building I heard a masculine voice shout “Pepper!” I turned around to see James running up to me.

“whats up?” I asked

“six” he replied breathless.

I was confused “six what?”

“sorry I meant Is it okay for me to call you at six?” he asked bashfully after making a bit of a fool of himself.

“yeah that’s okay” I replied giggling.

“cool so I see you tomorrow?”

I grinned “of course”

I went over to the car already seeing Annabelle inside. Once I’d buckled p she turned to me grinning “so how was your day?”

“the best” I replied.

But for the first time I actually meant it.


Aww so peppers happy! Yay! But how long will it ask? And Is James going to ask her out? Only time will tell my friends. Only time. :D and I have even more good news! WE’RE ON WHATS HOT!YAY! #172 to be precise! I am soooo happy! And even more god news (I know it never ends! Mwahaha!) I have half of the next chapter already written and I will upload it as soon as this chapter has umm lets say 5 votes and 3 comments?






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