"no no no! i'm not going!" finn said to his girlfriend, y/n. she was trying to drag him out of the house for his doctors appointment. if they didn't leave in five minutes, they would be late."yes you are! come on you big baby!" y/n pulled on finns black sleeve on his shirt.
"no! it's better if we stay home! we can like, cuddle and watch movies! what movie do you wanna watch?" finn said, struggling to remove the girls' small hand from his sleeve.
"very convincing, but no! come on!" y/n yelled.
"no!" finn yelled back to the girl.
"fine! fine! no more cuddles and kisses forever! i'm ignoring you and getting the flu shot! just me! go ahead and catch the flu! see what happens!" y/n said, walking to her car.
"fine!" finn groaned and followed the girl to the car. he took the passenger seat because unfortunately, he failed his drivers test three times. he held y/ns hand throughout the whole car ride.
they finally arrived to the doctors, y/n getting the first parking spot towards the front of the building.
"no! i wanna go back home! i changed my mind!" finn said, now pulling on y/ns sleeve.
"you're acting like a child! let's go!" y/n said. finn intertwined his fingers with hers, squeezing her hand tightly. they sat in the gray chairs in the waiting room.
"bubba i'm scared." finn said with puppy eyes.
y/n brought up her hand to his cheek. "hey, they aren't gonna do anything to you that's bad. you're gonna be fine. i'll hold your hand. you want be to hold your hand?"
"yes." finn said with a smile. y/n then placed a soft kiss on his slightly chapped lips. he looked at her with a smile.
the doctor then called their names from the foyer and they followed her into the room.
"which one of you will go first?" the doctor asked the two.
"i will." finn said. y/n adored his bravery, considering he didn't want this shot at all. she held his hand as the doctor slid his sleeve up his shoulder and stuck the shot in his arm. she then put a my little pony band aid on his shoulder and he released a breath of relief. his hand was still in y/ns.
"see? not too bad." y/n said to the boy.
"not bad at all!" finn said with confidence, the doctor laughing at the couple.
the doctor then prepared y/ns shot. finn then held her hand and drew small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. y/n wanted to get it over with, she was a bit scared, but not as scared as finn was.
"owie." y/n said softly as the needle stuck in her arm. the doctor then placed a spongebob band aid of her arm.
"see? not too bad!" finn told the girl. y/n nodded with a weak smile.
after getting everything over with, they finally left the doctors. they walked to the car hand in hand.
"that felt like nothing!" finn said, putting on his seatbelt.
"that hurt." y/n whined.
"hey, hey, we got it over with!" finn said, trying to cheer the girl up. "see, look who's whining over the shot now."
"shut up." y/n told him.
"you did good. like, at least you didn't cry." finn said, y/n giggled. "cmon, drive to that snow cone place. i'm taking you out."
y/n looked at him with a sweet smile. she kissed him softly.
"i love you." she said to the boy.
"i love you more."
"finn! no! i don't wanna get my flu shot!" y/n whined, struggling to get out of her boyfriends grip.
"yes you are!" finn said, he finally passed his drivers test, so he was going to drive them this time.
"it hurt last time!" y/n said.
"well maybe it won't hurt this time!" finn told the girl. she shook her head.
"please!" y/n said, putting both arms around the boy.
"no! please, y/n. i care about you and i don't want you getting sick." finn said. y/n still shook her head. finn sighed.
"i'll take you to the snow come place." he begged with puppy eyes.
authors note!
first chapter! thanks for
vote, comment, and tell me what you think!
love y'all🤍

baby! | f.w imagines
Fanfictionin which i write sweet imagines about my favorite canadian boy