y/n sat in the back seat of her best friend, enya's car. in the front seat sat her other best friend orion, and behind her were drew and josh."oh guys." drew said.
"what?" the four replied.
"finn said he was on the way to the house too." drew said.
"who's finn?" y/n asked. no one listened to her.
"yeah that means hurry the fuck up enya!" josh yelled at the girl, causing y/n to giggle.
"i'm trying!" enya said.
"guys!" y/n yelled.
"what?" they all replied.
"who's finn?" she asked, still confused.
"oh shit, you still haven't met finn?" josh asked.
"i wouldn't be asking if i already met him dumbass." y/n rolled her eyes.
"he's our friend. he's on that one show on netflix uh" orion snapped her fingers to remember the name of the show. "strange something. i forgot."
"stranger things?" enya said.
"yeah yeah that." orion said, pointing to the girl.
"oh. cool i guess." y/n said.
"you guys are the same age too." enya said.
"okay and?" y/n said. please don't tell me that we should date she thought.
"you guys should like, talk. then like, date." josh told the girl.
"no asshole." y/n said rolling her eyes. all of a sudden, drew's phone started to ring.
"god! i was trying to take a picture of the sunset!" he screamed. he answered it, y/n trying to peek over shoulders to see who it is, but drew answered too quickly.
"hey drew, i'm here." the guy on drew's phone spoke.
"hey finn!" drew said loudly and looked at y/n. "enya needs to hurry up. we're on the road right now but we're on the way." drew then held up the phone in landscape mode to reveal everyone in the car, including y/n.
"woah, who's that?" finn asked. oh god he thinks i'm ugly he said 'woah' y/n thought.
"y/n. she'll be hanging with us too." drew said. he pushed the phone camera to y/ns face.
"get the phone out of my face fucktard!" y/n yelled at drew.
"dude, why'd you just take a facetime photo?" drew asked.
"i did not!" finn said. "stop." he said quietly through clenched teeth. y/n held in her laugh.
"whatever you say. if your not gonna say it, i'll say it for you." drew said. he then looked at y/n. "y/n, he thinks you're hot."
y/n blushed a bit and sunk in her seat.
"asshole. i'll see you guys." finn said. with that, drew's phone returned to the home screen.
after a few more minutes, they finally arrived to enya and drew's townhouse, seeing finn. he was dressed in big jeans and a t shirt, which made his skinny arms stick out.
"hey." finn said to the five.
"hey." they all said in reply.
they all eventually sat in the living room and talked about random stuff, enya cuddling with azul in her arms. finn got up to use the bathroom. josh then lie down and took up the whole couch, only leaving a spot next to y/n.
"move your fat ass!" y/n said. she tried to push josh off, but then finn came in the room. "josh!"
finn then sat next to y/n, the two being squished to the end of the couch. finn didn't know where to put his long arm, so he slung it around y/n.
"sorry." he said with a weak smile.
"it's fine." y/n smiled back.
orion, drew, enya, and josh then got on their phones at the same time and left the room. y/n and finn finally breathed with the room they had, but not scooting away from each other. two two teens knew their friends were planning on them.
"sorry that drew kinda embarrassed you in the car." y/n said with a giggle.
"it's fine. you are really pretty though, he didn't lie." finn chuckled.
that was how their love story began.
authors note!
nothing much to say!
thanks for reading!
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love y'all 🤍

baby! | f.w imagines
Fanfictionin which i write sweet imagines about my favorite canadian boy