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y/n and her boyfriend of 6 months are spending halloween together, but after they tried to trick or treat, everyone would ask if they were too old to be trick our treating which made finn want to quit.

the two decided to go home with only a few pieces of candy in their buckets.

"what do we do now?" y/n asked her boyfriend.

"uh, haunted house?" finn asked, hoping she would say yes.

"uh, sure." y/n said, slightly disturbed but he fact that they would be in a dark room filled with jump scares.

"okay uh, i saw one that's ten minutes away. wanna leave now?" finn asked. y/n jumped up from the couch.

"you know it!" she grabbed her boyfriends hand and walked to the car with him, she wore a red mini dress because she was red riding hood and finn wore a flannel and ripped jeans since he was the wolf. he also had fangs, which made it hard to kiss y/n.

y/n held his hand throughout the whole car ride. it was something they always did, but she held his hand extra tight as he drived.

"baby, you okay?" finn asked his girlfriend.

"yeah. just scared." she said to the boy.

"hey hey. we're gonna have fun alright? and since we barely got any candy, we can buy the candy on sale at the store tomorrow. i'm not gonna let you die in there i promise." finn said.

"woah ok. great speech there babe." y/n said. finn laughed.

they arrived to the haunted house after a few minutes and they got out of the car. as they met and held hands once again, they walked toward the house.

"you look pretty today." finn told his girlfriend.

"you told me like ten times." y/n rolled her eyes and laughed.

"i know." finn said.

they paid for the tickets and entered. it was black and dark. y/n held onto finns arm tightly, burying her head in his shoulder. then, someone in a mask scared them.

"ah!" y/n screamed.

"hi." finn waved to the man.

"oh my god." y/n said.

"i'm right here." finn kissed her forehead.

then, there was a group of people that scared the two. y/n screamed and finn jumped. then, the room started to flash and it got dark. y/ns grip on finn disappeared.

where was he?

she was shaking and walked to the front herself.

a man scared her.

and another.

and another.

every scare equaled one scream.

still no finn.

as y/n got out, shaking and scared, she saw finn right in front of her.

"you asshole! why did you leave me!" y/n said. finn just embraced her in a huge hug, loading her head under his neck.

"you're so cute when you're mad." finn said, grabbing the girls hand.

"screw this." y/n yanked her hand out of finns and walked to his car herself.

as the two got in the car y/ns face looked furious. finn looked at her and smiled.

"hey. i love you, okay?" finn said, looking at the girl. she looked back with a weak smile and the two leaned in to kiss each other.

"i love you too." y/n said. they kissed once again, the one kiss turning to a small make out session.

"ow!" y/n said, motioning to her tongue, which got poked by finns fangs. "can you take those out?"

"these don't come out until after two days!" finn said, causing the girl to roll her eyes.

"ugh fine." y/n said. the two went back to kissing.

they eventually drove home, holding hands. that night ended with them watching a horror movie at home and a few make out sessions which finn found it hard because he couldn't give his girlfriend any love bites with his fangs.

best halloween ever.

authors note!
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love y'all 🤍

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