Chapter 22

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The morning after was something of a dream. I'm still a bit sore but nothing a couple of paracetamols from the front desk couldn't fix. I wake up not really believing what had happened. Not too long after having my first kiss I've gone and lost my virginity too.
Did I really do that with Parker last night?
Did I actually let another person see me in such a vulnerable state?
Not just any person.
My person.

I've read about girls feeling lost or incomplete after having sex for the first time but I didn't feel that way at all. My soul felt warm at the very thought of touching Parker.
I thanked God that I feel okay about it all because the endless spiral of self-doubt would have absolutely swallowed me whole.

It is finally morning time and I can hear the birds chirping outside of the window. I must've drifted off in Parker's arms. He was still asleep, his brown hair was long overgrown and was laying at odd angles around his head. He looks so peaceful and angelic. His eyelashes long and silky. Lips lush and full.

I give him a light kiss and watch as his eyes flutter open a little bit. His lips upturn into a smile and his cheeks tinge red once he sees me.

"Hello, you." He gushes.

"Hi." I smile back, weirdly shy. I still can't believe this boy is mine and that he's just seen my lady parts. This human boy that loves me for me. "You clench your fists when you sleep, did you know?"

"That tends to happen when you're anxious... even in your dreams." He sighs, rubbing his temples with the tips of his fingers.

"Are you worried about seeing your dad?" I rub circles on his palms and trace a little heart on them.

He shakes his head like he can't believe that he's still doing this. "Terrified."

"It'll be fine." I couldn't make that promise but I crossed my fingers and hoped it would be.

"Course it will. I've got my lucky charm with me, ain't I?" He pulls me in for a tickle and I squeal uncontrollably as his fast fingers work their way around my ribs.

"You know what? We should do something fun today." He props himself up on one arm and faces me. He was bare-chested and I could see the little mole that laid on his right pec. I had to sit on my hands to stop myself from reaching over and tracing it with my fingers.

I look at him, wondering what he was thinking about. "More fun than what we did, last night?" I immediately cringe at the words that just left my mouth. "Oh my goodness, forget I said that." I clasp my hands across my face.

He throws his head back laughing and removes my hands, holding them in his own and kissing my fingertips. "Haha, you nutter, I'm never going to let you live that down."

I stick my tongue out at him "Okay, so what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, I've never run away on Christmas before." He chuckles again.

I shrug, not really sure what to suggest. "Me neither."

He snaps his fingers like he just got a brilliant idea. "I know! Breakfast."

Almost on cue, my stomach made a loud rumbling sound. "Yeah, I think you've got the right idea."

We quickly get ready and check out. Rushing to his car in our wet trainers as fresh snow begins to fall.

"Hurry up!" I urge him to open the car as soon as possible. My legs were practically becoming icicles and the hoodie he gave me earlier wasn't doing enough justice. I need to feel the warmth of his cars heating.

"It's open, miss bossy." He opens my door for me and then hops in on the other side, the driver's seat. His cheeks were flushed red from the cold and his lips were chapped and dry.

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