Chapter 3

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I can't seem to get her out of my head. This feels so weird to me. I'm not usually like this. However, it is quite fun having a crush. It feels like I'm in primary school all over again. But asking a girl to play kiss-chase might be considered a little pervy now.

Once again, I'm inexplicably late for sixth form. I even had a later start today but yet I still managed to run out of time. This is the worst way someone with an already horrible punctuality record could start their morning yet it's become a habit.

I hate having to rush in the morning but helping Rose eat took longer than expected today. She kept dribbling her food out more than usual and Ma couldn't drive her to her physical therapy appointment because she was already late for work. At least I know where I get my poor time management gene from.

She ended up having to book a cab while I drove Rose. I just wish Ma didn't have to work so much so she can spend more time with us but she always reminds us that being a doctor and a single mother isn't easy. Ever since Dad left, it's like we see her less and less but she still does her best and I can only love and appreciate her for that.

I open my car window so I can truly enjoy the cool, steady air as I drive to school. I love driving by myself, it's one of the few moments that I can be alone with my thoughts other than when I'm drawing. It also helps that I have a wicked Mariah Carey playlist.

I pull up to the school's student parking area and park in my favourite spot right next to the sports field, where the girl's football team practice every Wednesday morning. I notice Zacchias' car was already there so I write a note saying 'Parker was here' leave it as a gift to annoy him later when he gets back.

As soon as I open the smooth oak doors of this practically pre-historic building, I'm greeted by the guy himself, one of my closest and oldest friends, Zacchias Tovi.

I've known him since I was 4 foot nothing and we were also in ballet class together, two hardly athletic skinny little shits who didn't know their left from their right. We didn't stand a chance against the other dainty girls in the class.

However, when we got to secondary school, he got became more muscular and athletic whereas I remained kind of gawky and lanky.

"Y'alright lad? You know you're late, right?" He raises his eyebrows and slaps me on the back, almost destroying my spine with his palm. "Mrs Innis is going to line your skinny arse like a Kebab stick." He shakes his curly, jet black hair, which was way too long, out of his eyes. He has a habit of doing this whenever it gets too long in the front.

He has that 'I'm an adorable little puppy-man who likes to stroke horses and write poetry' kind of look that all the girls in school fawn over.

"No way man, Mrs Innis adores me," I smirk back. And she indeed does. She's said so on multiple occasions even when I got into a heated altercation with Brett Valesquez which ended in a black eye and a trip to the headmaster's office.

Zacchias shakes his head again like he doesn't believe me."Yeah, I'm sure she loves your obnoxiously loud voice and annoying hair."

"How can hair be annoying, dummy?" I query. If anyone's hair could be annoying, it would be his but before he could retort with another insult, Mrs Innis' voice boomed loud in the tannoys.

"Could Mr Parker Sorrisi please report to the main office? That is, Parker Sorrisi, to the main office. Thank you."

"Yeah, you're deffo in trouble mate." He gives me a tight-lipped smile.

I punch him on the arm and laugh at him squirming in pain. "Shit, what the hell? Have you been hitting the weights? That actually hurt!" He tries to punch me back but I quickly dodge it and manoeuvre my way through the mass of teenage bodies occupying the wide but clearly not wide enough corridor.

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