Dear Diary

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Dear diary,

Last night I had sex... I can't believe I'm saying- well, writing- that.

I was so scared of all these intrusive thoughts of Parker leaving me entering my mind but lying there in his arms naked and half-asleep made me forget about the world for a second. It was just me and Parker... Just us against the planet.

His sculpted warm body underneath my fingers feel like touching the sun. It was hot and enticing. I could feel every hair covering his skin, every bead of sweat forming, every breath he took.

He's sleeping right now. I still wonder how I got so lucky. I'm completely and utterly obsessed with everything about him. The most loving, amazing man is in love with me. Me!

Hold on, he's asking me why I'm still up. I think he's worried. EEK! Back to sleep, I go!

Love Harley aka Pencils

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