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I am a girl. And this is how I ended up in the emergency room after I had sex for the first time.

It was only a matter of time until I’d do it, right? I mean it has never been a big deal to me, like to all these other girls around me. So when we decided to do it, I was fine. Seriously, we did it and I was fine. I remember we were laying in bed, the covers up to our chests, and he was playing with his hands looking pretty damn insecure. And I am pretty sure he wanted to ask me how he was… Now that would’ve been awkward. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he’s an amazing boyfriend, but this was our first time and I don’t think a seventeen year old teenage boy should ask his seventeen year old teenage girlfriend how he performed during their first time, when she is still trying to figure out whether she was the only one who thought it was complete shit. Honestly, we all know the first time is uncomfortable and it can only get better. But then you watch movies, and read stories, and hear everyone talk about how amazing sex is and even how amazing your first time can be, and you have expectations, and you believe that you’ll feel awesome. If you ask me, that’s total bullshit. I think what people don’t know, or possibly just don’t remember, is that it isn’t only the sex that is awkward, but everything that comes after. During the intercourse, you feel tense and pretty much worried about getting pregnant even though you’d checked a thousand times if the rubber was still on. But after the intercourse, you face silence. Awkward silence.

And that’s what we did. We were quiet. Until he thought he should go and make us sandwiches. He excused himself to make us sandwiches. Now ask me what I thought about that? My boyfriend fled the room, to make „sandwiches“. And he took his phone with him. He was only wearing boxers and his hair was all over the place. But the only thing that got my attention was: why would he need his phone to make sandwiches? I am hungry though, so sandwiches did sound like a great idea, but he could’ve asked me to go with him. Instead he went by himself. With his phone. That means either he’s updating his status saying he „nailed it“ or he’s calling his best friend.

I got dressed, not even wondering why my clothes was nicely folded in the bathroom. I didn’t want to know how they got there… I’m pretty sure his parents came home at some point though. To add some awkwardness, since apparently there wasn’t enough already, I bumped into his mother on my way to the kitchen. She also happens to be my gynecologist. The next appointment will be a hell of an adventure. 

„Noire, darling, I hope you don’t mind that I folded your clothes. I needed some of the pain killers from James’ cabinet, and had to clean up a little!“ She smiled looking me up and down. Should’ve known that she was behind my mysterious clothes folding, she’s always been a neat freak. 

„Yes thank you Mrs Hudson! I’m sorry we left such a mess in your son’s bathroom!“ I tried not too blush too much, but I think the moment she saw my underwear laying next to the bathtub, she knew we weren’t doing our homework. „Talking about your son, I probably should go down there and help him. I guess I’ll see you later.“ I quickly made my way passed Mrs Hudson without looking up again, nearly tripping on the stairs.

That was one of the less awkward things that happened that day, wait until I get to the part where his father stepped on the condom. Our used condom, that his son had forgotten to throw away.  Thinking about it now, I don’t think I should tell you about this part of the day. I’m still feeling uncomfortable about the look on his face when he reached down to pick it up. I will never be able to step into his house again, and that was a month ago. 

So I went to the kitchen. James was actually making sandwiches. I decided to do that cute thing you see in movies, where the girl goes and hugs her boyfriend from behind. Or is it the other way around? Well, that didn’t turn out too well either to be honest. The moment my hands touched him, he jumped and cut me with the knife he was holding. 

Ans that’s when he hurried me back to his room, got dressed and grabbed his car keys to drive me to the ER. So there I was, sitting on his bed, a towel pressed to my bleeding forearm and feeling sick, because of the blood. In that moment, James was in the bathroom trying to find a bandage to nurse my arm. I don’t exactly remember what happened and why his dad came into the room in the first place, but when he stepped in and saw the blood drenched towel, he came three steps closer and well … the rest you already know. 

So that’s the story of how I had to go to the ER thirty minutes after I had sex for the first time. When my parents came to pick me up, and I had to tell them what happened, I had strategically missed out the part where we had sex. But I guess Mr Hudson thought it was necessary for my dad to know about his discovery on James’ floor… I also believe, even though I am not certain, that Mrs Hudson told my mother about my indecency, and that I had pushed her son to sin.

It’s been a month today. Three weeks since James and I broke up. He never told me why he broke up with me. I honestly knew that it was going to happen, I mean he didn’t try to hide his loss of interest. I was thinking of breaking up with him too, but I had thought that, maybe because we had sex, we could work this out. We didn’t.

Today is the first day of my senior year. 

And that, is when I met Parker.

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