Chapter seven

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Chapter seven

As a matter of fact, I hadn't slept this good in months. Maybe even years. No wait, scratch that! I haven't slept like this since Parker left. And now we seem to be back on good terms. It was nice, catching up I mean. Mom brought us some pizza that my brother had forced her to order, that little monster is good for something from time to time I guess, and left again with a knowing smile on her lips. In that moment I didn't care at all. I was happy, for once in my life I was happy. It's a nice feeling, I'd almost forgotten what it felt like.

Alright enough of that emotional bollocks! I have a real ass problem to handle right now! My grandmother bought me a dress. A ballgown, that looks horrendous. There is no way I am going to wear this thing. Whoever designed this, should be forced to wear it on their own fashion show.

„No way, I'm not wearing that!" I stomped on the floor, my hands on my waist, obviously trying to look intimidating. Parker bickering in the corner isn't exactly helpful.

My mom, my grandmother, Maisie and Parker decided it was time for a first dress fitting in the shop my granny strategically bought his suit and my dress. Parker seemed way too happy about this all. He was laughing his head off, while I was going through hell. It's like we are seven and in second grade again.

„Stop laughing and be helpful! You find it ugly too, don't you?" I may or may not have thrown my phone at him again, by accident. Thank god it landed in his lap, cause my aim was horrible.

„Noire! That's no way a lady would act!" My grandmother gasps.

„Well maybe you haven't noticed yet granny, but I'm not a vir-" Apparently that's when Parker got over his state of shock, to fall into another one. My mother was quick by my side and yanked me towards the changing room roughly.

„What the hell are you thinking? You're grandmother is catholic!" She said complete horror written all over her face.

„If she keeps acting like hormonal teenager that is about to go to prom, I might slip a few things about her ‚virgin marie' granddaughter Mom. She's asking for it!" I explain yell-whispering.

„I get that you have different ideas and opinions, but maybe you should start acting like the hormonal teenager you are supposed to be for once, Noire!" She looked me in the eye and in a matter of seconds we were laughing loudly.

„Yeah right mom, me acting like a hormonal teenager, I never do that!" I say sarcastically. She hugged me real quick mumbling a quiet please before leaving the fitting room. „Oh and I'm still not wearing that dress!" I yell after her as I, even though I was too scared to even touch it, tried on the horrible white ball gown, that looked way too much like a wedding dress.

„Parker, get in there and close your mouth, you'll catch a fly!" I hear my grandmother shout making me giggle. I can imagine his face at her order. He's probably rushing now. He's always been scared of my wicked witch. It's like she was his evil grandmother, when she was just my end life crisis enduring granny. „Noire dear, how does it look?"

„Can someone zip me up?" I ask avoiding the mirror at any price. Before I know it she is behind me zipping the form fitting dress. It was silk under a thin layer of chiffon, pure white chiffon with spaghetti straps and a silvery kind of belt making it even more shiny. I might have lied about the actual ugliness of the dress. But I promise just a little. The cleavage wasn't deep at all, I mean my super conservative grandmother and a big ass show on my chest? No chance.

„Oh darling, you look beautiful!" Her hands are on her cheeks and she simply looks at me in awe. She quickly recovers and starts pulling my hair up into a high messy bun. She wastes absolutely no time and pins everything down. She smirked satisfied and stepped back opening the door.

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