Chapter three

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Chapter three

Saturday night came faster than expected. We were about to leave, when my mom realized she'd left the flowers in the kitchen. She's so forgetful. I think she forgets her phone more than she actually carries it with her.

So now we are finally on our way. I came to terms with the idea of spending my night with him. Well in a way. I tell myself, that the faster I get there, the faster i'm out of there. And this is the closest to acceptance I could possibly push myself at this point.

I still hadn't told anyone about James, realizing that it wasn't my place to share the information and that it might be smart and right, to talk to him first. So I have decided, that on Monday, I will try to get him to have a nice conversation about what I saw. Maybe I shouldn't. I'm doubting myself right now. I'm just going to sleep over it, make up my mind and decide on Monday.

„Maisie has told me that you had lunch with Parker and your friends on Friday, how was it?" My mom asked me, as I was about to change into ignore the world mode by putting my headphones in. So close.

„It was nice, I guess. I'm alive as you see." My dad snickered in front of me, earning a slap on the shoulder from my mother.

„Hey! I'm the driver! No hitting the driver!" At this moment, my little brother thought it would be smart to add a comment. Let me tell you, and believe me when I say this, I love him, I truly do, but sometimes, I question how he ended up being in anyway related to me.

„Dad! Roll the windows down!" I glanced over at him, a suspicious look on my face. I sniffed the air, going closer and closer until the wave of disgustingness hit me.

„NOW!" I screamed at the same time as my mother. The fresh air was indeed needed. That little fuckhead I swear... He should've done this outside before we entered the car.

„What is wrong with you?" I mumble as I hear my dad laugh again.

„Don't encourage him!" My mom said hitting him again. „Kepler, I dare you to pull one of these stunts at the Williams' place and I will ground you until the end of times!"

„He just farted mom, no big deal!"

„Well he better not fart again or i'll sew it closed!" She threatened obviously joking, but the look on my ten year old brother's face was absolutely worth it. He looked like he'd just shat his pants. Three times. „I want you to behave. Both of you. I know this is hard for you Noire, but you don't know his side of the story and maybe he can explain!" I rolled my eyes and put my earplugs in, finally able to ignore the world around me and pretend the only sound that existed was Taylor Swift's voice telling me about the time she was riding shotgun with her hair undone.

Ironic right?

In some stupid way my mom might be right. I don't know his side of the story. Maybe he was attacked by a shark and lost my phone number on the gold coast... (I know he lived in Sydney, but I'm not trying to make any sense, I am angry) Yeah right. But what if he actually had a valid reason for not calling me? I wouldn't know what to do. In a way I still couldn't forgive him. The damage was done, and a honest excuse couldn't undo the way things went wrong.

At some point I was so engaged in my music, that I hadn't even noticed that my dad had stopped the car. I stepped out after my Mom tapped my window several times and opening my door for me, because I quote: ‚We are fucking late.'

I took a look at his house, that has not changed one bit. Still as white and tall as it used to be. A two story house with a small garden out back. Looks a lot like mine from the outside actually. My mom rung the bell, and stood next to my dad, quickly adjusting his hair. I don't know why this was so important to her. It's just the same old shit. We come over for dinner, enjoy ourselves. Like seven years ago. The only thing that has changed, might be the fact that I have developed a deep hatred for Parker. But the rest must still be the same right?

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