CH21- can I or can I not

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as Leona returns to the castle it is night. 

Elena: Leona!
Leona: I don't wanna talk right now maybe sometime else

Elena: lenna dosent do like that.

Leona goes into her room and slams the door.

Elena comes near and knocks on her door. She tries to open it and finds out it is locked.


She calls Gabe Mateo and Naomi

Gabe: she never does like that 
Mateo: it's not like her. 

Just then Hugo Aaron and Sierra pass by and stop at the door of Leona's room.

Hugo: Leona! 
Elena: she is not opening the door

Gabe: then we have to break it, Aron!
Aron: yes general

When they come in they see Leona painting

Elena: you are painting! 
Leona: I paint when I feel something strongly
Gabe: and what are you feeling now?
Leona: sad, confused, and I don't know so I am giving out my emotions on the canvas

when they looked they saw a dark cave 

Hugo: what is this?
Leona: The cave of knowledge, but I don't want to remember it.
Elena: I can see a dark depth in your voice, and tears in your eyes that no one can see what is it?
Leona: mom I
Elena: Truth
Leona: The cave said a big challenge is coming my way and my near and dear one's life will be in my hand
Elena: you are sad about it?
Elena: You're sad about such a small thing
Leona: it's not small! I don't want me to be the reason late is added in front of your names!
Elena: and why would such a thing happen?
Leona: cuz I am so clumsy! I'll mess it up! I don't want to lose you all I love you!
Gabe: I know there's your love behind the refusal but, you cannot run away from your duties

 Leona: I don't wanna run away I know I cannot do it so why should I try I am going to tell the cave to take away this duty
Hugo: you didn't try then how can you judge?

Elena: the cave or we cannot change your fate your destiny only you can.
Leona: I don't wanna argue I won't do it I can't risk your lives
Gabe: you saved me from that thief
Mateo and Naomi: you saved our relation
Aron: you strived to give me what I deserve
Hugo: you got us out of that rubbish  acquisition
Elena: See you have already helped a lot, just do it once more

Gabe: I see a fierce warrior in you
Mateo: I see the magic of truth and right actions in you
Naomi: I see the selfless captain in you who rescues others before than himself 
Aron, Hugo, and Sierra: and we see a loving and caring friend in you
Elena: and I see the Future queen in you

All of them together: We believe in you, you'll take good care of us
Leona: I.............................. Guess

Elena: Don't worry. t

They all go away.

After some time, Aron and Hugo spot Leona looking at the moon on the terrace.

They both go and hold one of her hands.

Aron and Hugo: It will be fine 

Leona looks at them smiles and kisses both of them on the cheek. 

Leona: thank you, boys. I am fine. she goes to her room

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