CH22- The Return

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Leona: make it perfect
Leona: Where is the pie. He likes it very much.



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Hugo: Leona what's so special?
Leona: my Brother is coming after 9 years of sorcery school!!!!
Hugo: your mother doesn't talk about it much
Leona: there is a conflict between them but I am sure they must have forgotten
Hugo: okay?
Sierra: Leona do I have to wear this?
Leona: but it suits you!

Hugo: Leona what's so special?Leona: my Brother is coming after 9 years of sorcery school!!!!Hugo: your mother doesn't talk about it muchLeona: there is a conflict between them but I am sure they must have forgottenHugo: okay?Sierra: Leona do I ha...

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Sierra: what's the occasion
Leona: my brother's coming
Sierra: So why am I wearing this?
Leona: because just like Chancellor Naomi you are my companion in the palace

They heard gate opening sound when Leona ran as if in a marathon and hugged her brother
Leona: Alejo! You're back!!!!!!!!!!
Alejo: Yes I am back in one peice.

Leona begins giggling

Leona: sierra meet him, he's my brother Prince Alejo
Sierra: Delighted to make your acquaintance, your highness 

just as she bowed she tripped over a piece of fabric in her gown and Alejo got his arms around her.  

They gazed at the eyes of each other deeply

Leona: *coughs* if your whole fall scene is over may we proceed 

they both stood up startled; sierra begin moving her hand around her neck

Alejo: Pardon me señora 
Sierra: no it's fine I was the one who fell 
Leona: okay let's go 

Just then Elena comes from the front 

Leona: and that is 
Alejo: Queen Elena
Leona: your mother
Alejo: my mother died the day I walked out of this castle
Elena: Leona, tell the prince I would not like to talk to him and breakfast is served so come on.
Leona: you go I am behind you 
Alejo: okay 

Leona: sierra what do I do, they are all in the mood of argument.
Sierra: they both may be similar, if you show them how same they think, you've won!
Leona: I guess so,


Leona: okay so let's play a quick game whoever identifies it first I'll sit with him or her. clear
Elena, Alejo: Clear!
Leona: what's this smell?


Alejo, Elena: Merry Berry Pie!!!!! I love it!

they looked at each other 

Leona: close your eyes and tell me which color cloth are you wearing 

Alejo, Elena: maroon

Leona: last but not least your favorite games?

Alejo, Elena: o'la ball 

Elena: I don't want to play this game anymore, food, please.

The whole day Leona tries to make them both see the bright light, they have games, Picnic, and tournaments but they keep fighting 


they argue again {You died I died}

Leona: STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BOTH HAVE BEEN ARGUING WHOLE DAY!!!!!! YOU KNOW YOU'RE RIGHT BUT HAVE YOU TRIED TO THINK IT FROM EACH OTHER"S PERSPECTIVE!? Brother, Mother cries in front of your pictures remembering you and she didn't want you to go to sorcery school because shuriki and evil sorceress almost took her dear ones twice. Sorcery is evil for her and mother, He just wanted to follow his destiny you made it difficult for him your past isn't certainly the future or present!

Alejo: I guess she's right
Elena: I got too harsh on you
Leona: you should have listened than talked 

ALEJO AND ELENA: I am sorry!

Leona: now it's more like it, you have mother-son time I'll prepare for the dinner.

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