10: Two-faced Bastard

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Chapter 10: Two-faced Bastard


The news is still brewing in his mind. He didn't know what to do with the new information. He thought about asking FP. Why did he lie about who he was? There's a small part of him that was angered by FP. How could he leave this out? He told everything else out.. b-but left the most important part of the issue. He didn't want to be mad at FP but he was. How could he not? You don't hide something this big from someone. He didn't care if he thought it was in his best interest. The next time FP and Jughead were in the same room happened to be the day Jug's cast was coming off. On the other hand Jughead's excited about his new ability to move freely. Being unable to do what he wanted without the bulky cast getting his way was going to be such a relief.

"Ready to get this off?" Dr. Denise asked as she started grabbing a blade to saw through the plaster.

"Never been wanting to move my arm so much." He earned a chuckle from FP and his doctor.

"I wouldn't blame you for feeling this way!" Dr. Denise said as she sawed right through the case and placed a new roll on his hand and leg. "This new cast is temporary." She heard her patient groan," I know it's going to be another six weeks until we can take this casting off. You still have to minor fractures that Dr. Spencer and I spoke about it on the phone." She saw confusion spark in his eyes," Do you remember Dr. Spencer, he was your doctor before you came here?"

"Yeah. I do. He always cracked jokes while I was in the hospital."

"Oh, really? We're they funny?" Jughead shook his head, stifling a snort.

"No, but he knew how to make me think of something else besides food." FP snorted. Then he got a hard glare from Jughead which caused FP to notice that the man was having an attitude towards him. He didn't know what changed between him and Jug. He thought everything was going fine, so what went wrong?

Dr. Denise laughed." I used to work with him before transferring here. And yeah, his jokes aren't funny. He tries, but he's not funny."

She cut the plaster with some heavy impact scissors and put Jughead in an arm sling. "Are there any restrictions? I got a job at our diner with Pop. He said that he could use help, Veronica even said since I wasn't writing a book or in school."

"Since you only have a leg brace that goes over I don't see a problem. But if you get tired I would like you to use the crutches."

"Okay, that sounds doable."

FP's eyes widened as he asked." Pop gave a job?"

Jughead shrugged." Yeah. He figured until I'm able to return to New Hampshire." The slow-rolling pain shot FP in the heart. The thought of Jughead moving away from them again and this time probably never again. He felt as if the rug had pulled from underneath his feet. Jughead never mentioned moving back. He guessed the thought never crossed his mind. "Congrats on the job, Jug." Jughead gritted his teeth into a fake happy smile.


JB found Jughead sitting in the Rec room that is in the basement. He was on his old laptop, going through old writings. She smiled as she sat down on the Futon couch. She noticed that her brother seemed almost annoyed about something.

"What's bugging you?" Jughead shifted.

"Nothing." He tried lying but Jellybean saw right through. "Bullshit, Jug. I know something is bothering you. Did something happen at the doctor's?" He shook his head, hoping she would just let it be," then what happened?" Again he didn't answer her. She sighed loudly," Fine don't tell me anything." She grumbled, getting off the couch and went upstairs.

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