Chapter Seven

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"Well, it looks like its gonna be another night in the spare room for you." Elijah chuckled as he shut the door behind him. The snowstorm outside was strong and had not stopped since that morning. Mairi was curled up and the armchair next to the window with a cup of tea in her hand. The sun had set and it was now heading into the dark hours.

"How will you put up with me for another twelve hours." Mairi dramatically swung her head back against the chair. 

"Quite easily. I actually enjoy your company." Elijah told her as he hung up his jacket. He made his way over to were she was sitting. "Normally it's just myself here so having company is a nice change." 

"Do you not have like a dog or a cat?" Mairi asked him as he sat down on the main three-seater sofa. 

"I did have a dog until January last year," Elijah told her as he looked down clearly upset. "I just don't really have the heart to get another one." 

"I understand. I had a cat, she ended up with cancer." Mairi told him. Elijah opened his mouth to speak but he was cut off from his phone ringing in his pocket. He excused himself to take the call and was on the phone for around five minutes before he appeared back into Mairi's view.

"Everything alright?" Mairi asked him as he looked angry, but it softened when he looked at her.

"Yeah, yeah just some mayor stuff." He told her. "Listen, I have a few things I need to do in the barn. So just make yourself at home." 

"Thank you," Mairi said as she watched him put back on his boots again. She turned back to watch the snowfall heavily to the ground. The crackling of the fire was peaceful and she sipped on her hot tea. Deciding that she wanted to watch a movie, she turned on the TV and flicked through her options before settling on a fantasy movie. 

Roughly about an hour later the movie had finished and Mairi wanted a new cup of tea. She stood up and walked over to the kitchen, but her eyes caught Elijah's jacket still hanging next to the door.

"He must have forgotten his jacket," She muttered to herself, deciding that it would be a good idea to take it to him, she grabbed the coat he had let her borrow earlier on. She slipped into her boots before grabbing his suede jacket. She followed the trail Elijah had left behind when he had gone to the barn earlier. But even then it was near knee-deep. 

"Elijah!" Mairi called out through the heavy wind and snow. She finally made it into the barn and called his name a couple of more times but with no answer. She then heard what sounds like people talking around the back of the barn. She made her way around to see red-stained snow. 

"Oh my god." Mairi gasped as she dropped the jacket to the ground. She was just about to call Elijah again when she heard a deep and deadly sounding growl. Her body froze in its place with fear. Her breathing turned heavy and shakey as she stared at a grey wolf standing no more than ten foot away from her. 

The out of nowhere Elijah appeared in front of her his grey shirt socked in a dark red liquid with several rips in it. His shoulders hunched ready to fight.

"You even touch her, I will rip you into pieces," Elijah spoke to the wolf. The wolf just growled back at him. What happened next sent Mairi's mind into a spin of confusion and fear. The wolf growled before walking forward towards them and in the blink of an eye, the wolf was now a full-grown and fully naked man. 

"What? The big bad wolf keeping the girl to himself?" The naked man chuckled as he stopped now standing four foot away from them. 

"She is under my protection now, just like the rest of the town. So I suggest you leave." Elijah growled at the man with a deep and dangerous voice. 

"I see, don't worry. I'll be back." The man said as he turned away and walked back toward the forest. He looked back as he continued to walk, "To get a taste of that fine ass." The man laughed while Elijah let out a deep growl that vibrated through Mairi's entire body. She watched as the naked man turned into the same wolf as before again and ran off behind the trees.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Elijah turned to look at Mairi who's face was completely pale. Her mouth was slightly hanging as her eyes were fixed onto the forest. "You could have been seriously hurt!" Elijah raised his voice clearly pissed off. Maybe it was from the adrenaline pumping through him for the fight he had clearly just been in. "Not to mention the target painted on your back now." He continued to yell, but Mairi had completely zoned him out. 

Her breathing started to become raspy and it was like someone had taken a grip around her throat to stop the air flowing. She was still unable to move from the shock that gripped her thoughts. Her head began to spin and it felt like gravity released her mind. Her vision blurred as her knees buckled under her. 

She felt too strong hands grip onto her as she fell as well as hearing her name being called. Mairi's vision faded into and out of focus as her eyes connected with Elijah's brown ones. She could see the worry in his eyes as he placed a hand on her cheek. Mairi could see his lips moving to form words but was unable to hear anything apart from the ringing. Then her vision faded out into nothing.

Elijah cursed himself, he should have noticed that this was about to happen. While he was angry at Mairi for nothing her mind was in overdrive. This was understandable after what she had just witnessed. One second she was enjoying herself and the next she found out the existence of werewolves. Elijah picked her up bridal style before carrying her back to the house out of the cold. The conversation they will be having when she wakes up, was not one he was looking forward to.

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