Chapter Ten

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The main roads in the town were fairly used meaning there was very little snow on them. This made Elijah and Mairi's ride a little easier towards the end. 

"I want to head to the diner first seeing as we are passing it," Mairi spoke as their horses walked through the town. Many people would greet Elijah as they passed and when they noticed Mairi they would say hi as well. 

"The town is ridiculously friendly." Mairi giggled as people continued to wave at them. 

"Yeah, the people are great here," Elijah answered back as their horses walked side by side.

"So now that the town is open, how can you tell who is, you know," 

"Human?" Elijah asked with a laugh, "Well, having grown up with the same people you get to know them. But there is no way to tell a wolf from a human. Not unless they shift, that is." 

"I see. How exactly are you going to keep the existence of wolves hush from us humans?" Mairi quizzed him. She was filled with questions but who wouldn't be after they find out werewolves actually existed. 

"Well, when the town first opened up. We all agreed to a few new rules as such." Elijah said as he looked around the town, "One, no shifting within the town. Two, no fighting -as they can get pretty heated- and Three, only to let a human find out about our existence if they are your mate."

"Fairly agreeable rules I guess." Mairi nodded, "And what happens if the rules are broken?" 

"Well, unlike the book that you read. I'm not a big bad Alpha wolf that will beat wolves into submission." Elijah looked at her, "No, I just kill 'em." Elijah smiled to her causing her to laugh loudly. She did not see that answer coming from him. "No, yeah they get punished. But by that, I mean community service." 

"And what about the human that now knows about werewolves?" 

"Well, we give them a reason to stay quiet." Elijah shrugged his shoulders. "Whether it be money or a house. Or just to guarantee that their families would be protected by the pack." 

"I see, that a pretty good way of handling things." Mairi nodded her head in approval, "Very diplomatic of you." 

"Thank you, I do try." Elijah pretended to bow while sitting on the horse. Mairi just laughed as the diner came into view. "Come on." He said as he pushed Elmer into a trot followed by Mairi and Bee. Once they were outside of the diner, Elijah and Mairi dismounted just as the door flung open.

"Oh my God, Mairi!" Sharon called as she rushed out to meet both of them. Sharon looked to Elijah and dipped her head slightly. Normally Mairi wouldn't have noticed this but now that she knows about the pack, she is picking up on the little things.

"She knows." Elijah nodded to Sharon who's face brighten up to a massive smile. Who looks between the two.

"So that means, she's your mate?" She asked as Elijah nodded in answer and Sharon just squealed with glee. "It's about damn time!"

"Sharon, relax." Elijah tried to calm her down. 

"Give me a break," Sharon rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "It's about high time you found your mate. Lord knows you being the only single one of the group and was starting to get annoying." Sharon turned around and walked back into the diner.

"Sharon is mated to my best friend. He is like my second in command as such." Elijah explained as they tied their horses to the post just outside of the diner. Elijah opened the door to the diner to allow Mairi to walk in first. 

"You will probably find that the wolves will start treating you differently now." 

"Differently how?" Mairi asked as they walked over to the office in the back.

"With more respect as such. You are an Alpha now." 

"Oh, how differently?" She asked as they walked into her office. As soon as the door closed, Elijah grabbed her face and kissed her with fire. Mairi's hands reached up and gripped onto his chest tightly as she kissed him back with just as much fire. 

"Hey, Mairi. There is..." Justin called as he pushed open the door to see them practically sucking each other's faces off. "Holy shi... I-I'm sorry." He said before turning and shutting the door behind him. Mairi and Elijah just laughed as the encounter. Mairi walked around to open up the computer to check her emails, only find there was none left unread and that they had all been read and answered.

"Damn, Sharon has been on the ball," Mairi said as she checked everything over. 

"Yeah, she's pretty efficient." Elijah chuckled as Mairi stood up and shut off the computer.

"Well, I should be getting back to my apartment." 

"We can take the horses. It will be quicker than walking." Elijah told her as they left the office.

"Hey, Sharon. I'm gonna head back to my house. I gotta change out of these clothes. Do you need me back today?" 

"No, I have everything under control," Sharon told them as they walked out to the horses again. They quickly untied their leads from the posts and mounted up before making their way back out onto the road. 

"I wanna take you out for dinner," Elijah said as he looked to Mairi as their horses walked side by side. "Like a proper date." 

"Alright, yeah okay." Mairi smiled as her heart swelled. 

"How about tomorrow night?" He asked her softly.

"That sounds like a plan," Mairi said as she flashed him a toothy smile. 

"Perfectly, well. Because of the snow, we won't be able to go very far. But it will still be the best dinner date you will ever have." He smirked as they arrive at her apartment. 

"Well, thank you," Mairi said as she dismounted her horse. "For everything, I really enjoyed myself." Mairi thanked him as she handed him the lead for Bee. Elijah dipped down to plant a soft kiss on her lips before Mairi went to take off his jacket.

"No, keep a hold of it and the hat. You may need them again." Elijah chuckled.

"What in case we get stuck in a storm again." 

"Hey, you never know." Elijah laughed as she turned and made her way into the apartment. She turned around and gave him a small wave before disappearing into the building. Elijah smiled and tied the lead to his saddle loosely, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He dialled a number and waited for the person to answer.

"Hi, Sharon. Yeah, I have a favour to ask." 

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