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Rein pov

After kidd made his funny "HAHA" joke and took me to a black car and we got in and drove to a coffee shop.

"Why are we here?" I asked Kidd.

"Were here to meet the boss" he said as he shut off the car as i followed and sighed.

Entering the nice and warm coffee shop we sat down at a high table with three seats with a man with light dark skin with bushy 80s hair, glasses and sat all dressed up for winter.

"Ah, Mr. Podec! Great to see you" he said with a smile and stood up from his chair and shook my hand as we sat down.

"So, Podec, this is Harry, or Six, he runs the main operations of Rainbow. Before you took your big nap, youre research was stolen and used as a chemial weapon for war." Kidd explained as he ordered himself a hot chocolate.

"But how? The G4 samples were mere research for health purposes. I only got it just month before the coma." I explained.

"Four years can contain alot of stuff." Harry said with a smile.

"But my research had testwd it into where it would be near impossible to weaponize them"

"Again, four years is a long time, but the people who attacked you are pros at making things a weapon" harry explained.

"The could turn a pancake into a weapon if they wanted to" kidd added in.

"The White Masks are the reason you were put in that coma, you are the only one to know what is up with this chemical"

"Well, I suppose i can help" i said rubbing the back of my head.

"If you do, well try and give you custody of your daughter" kidd added in. Harry gave him the stink eye.

"That's not a promise, but well try with that" harry said almost as if he was aiming an imaginary pistol at Kidd.

"Well, if you get me a lab eith the rigbt equipment, and a sample of the weaponized verison of the G4, i can help" i explained.

"Done deal" kidd said with a smile.


After a breif plane ride to Britain england, i was given a lab, and a medium sized tube of the gas substance of the weaponized G4. And an apparent assistant.

Tui pov
A few days ago

After the apparent gas attack. I was taken on a plane and sent to Britain England to a base.

I waited in a office and waited for someone a man with a somewhat defent of long hair tied in a bun who wore a green shirt and normal blue jeans and sat down.

I starred at this man as he wore a smile like it was his last.

"So, Tui? Or what they called you back in your squad, Karu? Im Kidd, the guy who has the talks with the new guys" He explaiend.

I only starred at him in silence.

"Big bushy beard silent type? I know one of those guys, too bad hes retired" he said with a jokinly tone.

I said nothing.

"Alright this is getting boring lets cut to the chase Tui, from your apparent failed mission to stopping a terriost attack from the White Masks, been there, you were the only one there in the gas spread radious who wasnt KIA by the new gas bomb." Kidd explained and set down the file he was reading from.

"Yeah and?" I asked.

"You could the the cure my friend, and we have a special someone whos currently in a long asleep, who could use you with making that cure or vaccine"

"So im just here because of my DNA?"

"Actully no, with your interactions with Spetnaz training along with basic CT training, we could use some skill like yours" he explained and sat back in his chair.

"When do i start?"

"Well, in a few days, with our recent diagnostics from out sleeping beauty, he'll be awake in maybe a few days, take or leave" he said.

"From that, welcome to Rainbow" Kidd said raising his hand out for a shaking.

I shaked his and he smiled.

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