Chapter 21: Scallops

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Loren's POV

Knots formed in my stomach as Edward and I drove past the houses strung with twinkling lights. One of my neighbors had even set up those mechanical reindeers in front of a blow up sleigh with Santa on it. I think my favorite type of light display were just the simple white lights, neatly strung along the gutters, outlining the sharp edges of the house. It reminded me of a perfect gingerbread house. I smiled when I noticed Edward admiring the lights as well. My neighborhood always went all out for the holidays ever since I was a child.

Eventually we exited our neighborhood and the minutes slowly ticked by, counting down until I saw Killian again. My palms started to sweat as I prepared myself for whatever "talk" he wanted. I didn't do well with confrontation which was partly why I didn't want to run into him at his office. I just wanted to make a statement which honestly, I wasn't even sure what statement I wanted to make, without running into Killian so that he would try to work harder to win me back. I rolled my eyes at how my plan blew up.

Looking out the window, the buildings became larger and traffic became thicker.

"Edward?" I asked, hoping to somehow break the silence and maybe make the passing time a little less stressful.

"Yes Ms. Richards?" He glanced in the rearview mirror.

"Do you think Killian actually likes me?" I blushed feeling like I was back in junior high worried about if my crush liked me back.

"Ms. Richards, it's not often that I get the pleasure of driving one of Mr. East's women." I cringed at his last three words.

"What do you mean?"

Edward sighed. "Mr. East does not, hm, how do you say it... commit to relationships long enough for me to ever meet them. Which is a big deal considering I see him almost daily." I listened to his words slowly roll off his tongue, his British accent prevailing in the dark night.

"Wait, has he never had a girlfriend before?" His words finally clicked in my head.

"That I cannot confirm, but I do know that they do not stick around for long."

"Edward are you trying to warn me of something? Is this supposed to be a red flag?? Should I not be going to his place right now???" The words ran off of my tongue as I rambled.

"No Ms. Richards! Not at all. I cannot speak on this much, but I do not believe that the relationships ended on the women's terms. It was Mr. East who stopped them all. Why you ask? Well, that I do not know. And honestly, you did not hear any of this from me. If you mention any of this to Mr. East, you will have to kiss my British arse goodbye!" He chuckled

"Don't worry Edward, I won't mention this to Killian at all. And please, please, please stop calling me Ms. Richards. It's Loren." I smiled as I sunk back into the leather seat and the car slowed as we exited the freeway.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the front of Killian's building and Edward opened the door for me. George was already waiting at the front door for me. Edward walked up with me to George and I saw the two of them exchange looks. I glanced from Edward to George and back to Edward when George cut me off.

"Oh Ms. Richards you look absolutely darling! Mr. East will be delighted to see you!"

"You think so? I'm not even dressed up that much..." I spoke, slightly embarrassed. I didn't really have time to get ready for tonight but I was wearing black jeans, some black booties, and a baby pink blouse with a black leather jacket over top. My hair was straight and pulled back into a sleek ponytail.

"That's not what matters Ms. Richards, besides, you are very much dressed up!" George winked at me. I thanked Edward as he turned back to his car and he shared another look with George. Something is up with these two.

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